Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

There’s time for everything except the things worth doing. Think of something you really care about. Then add hour to hour and calculate the fraction of your life that you’ve actually spent in doing it. And then calculate the time you’ve spent on things like shaving, riding to and fro on buses, waiting in railway, junctions, swapping dirty stories, and reading the newspapers.

George Orwell, from “Coming Up For Air

Quote: Alive on All Channels. George Orwell portrait.

26 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

  1. yeah, good old G. Orwell; he can be blamed for much of our misery! 😉
    and yeah again, I’m forever trying not to dissipate my energy in this way – but I’m doing it right now, instead of concentrating on What I Really Should (and would like to) Do …. 🙂

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  2. I do wonder how he lived his life! A few years ago, I asked myself “what’s really important to me?” And “How can I organize my life around it? “
    Some people choose photography, writing, their children, their spouse, saving the ecosystem … I chose teaching yoga. It’s good to know what’s worthwhile💐

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  3. Hm-m-m! Well Orwell produced more writing than most people can imagine, so he found the time. When my great books and ideas group chose 1984 I was able to research some of his other writing…what a brilliant guy. That novel may be the most amazing book for the times. [Although I had taken a whole semester on the English satiric novel, I’d never read 1984–I’m still amazed by it…also enjoyed the movie with Richard Burton].
    Time…what the heck am I doing? came on line to send 2 birthday messages and here I am…. Not a “waste of time”! For some reason, your posts tend to have me reviewing my whole life. Spent “inordinate” time enjoying my children. Devoured the subjects that became part of my life’s work–glad I’ve had good eyesight. So, thanks!

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