Tuesday Morning Wake-Up Call: Up!

Source: “My pupper Louise Billy-Fawn June…Some say she’s still flying to this day” via imgur

32 thoughts on “Tuesday Morning Wake-Up Call: Up!

  1. Some people (creatures) have all the fun!
    [that’s what I replied on your twitter message–guess it doesn’t carry over to this?]
    …love watching and re-watching and imagining…

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  2. Oh, this made my day, it did! We had a gruelling day yesterday, with the removal people packing and throwing EVERYTHING on their way in boxes, never mind my idea of doing it in an orderly way (which would have taken several days, even after all my preparations over the last week!) – the guys left at 6pm and drove another hour and half to escape the Paris region, while HH and I did a first clean with brushes, hoover, rubbish bags, and sank in our ‘guest bed’ dog tired at 11pm, only to get up at 6.30 this morning to an empty house, echoing every word we said….. I left for my travel at 11.45am and arrived here on 8.30pm, but in Paris I had 20’ of free internet, and watched this flying dog over and over, I laughed and laughed, I’m so exhausted that everything is just either so funny or so sad!
    Now I need to prepare to be up and gone tomorrow by 6am, the removal people have arrived already in the afternoon and will be rearing to go by latest 8am, had to shop for sandwiches and drinks as well on my way to Zurich, as I’ll need to take transportation at 6am tomorrow….. Thanks for the big smiles here!

    It all points to the Dave Family FINALLY getting ready for their next dog!!!! Lori said it, I had the same thoughts immediately. Just do it already.

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      1. 11.45am to 8.30pm = 5+ hrs….. did we go to the same teacher for math? I see rather a near 9h trip. Notwithstanding the non sleeping at night, the rush to get my things together, calming HH in his stress….
        And the story didn’t end there. I took the lost credit card of one of the men (it fell to the floor of our car when HH took him back from the car rental) with me to Switzerland because I will see him first thing in the morning – only he had to get off the removal van (thank you v.much to our Sw.iss border controls for not allowing 3 people in the lorry – it only has 2 bunks) and stay back, hopefully (presumably) in a hotel, renting another car (w/o card….) and what not!
        HH told me on his way back from his event at 10.30 at night and crushed my jubilant mood that ‘all went so well so far’ (it didn’t – did it?). Now of course I can’t sleep at all and I thought I might as well get up and going early – bringing those who ‘made it’ to the new place, food to sustain them – I shall see what else comes our way before this weekend.

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      1. Our new neighbour (it’s actually US being HER new neighbours….) has two cats and they already came over to say ‘hi’….. this will get interesting if and when we’ll have our dog!

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