

22 thoughts on “Guess.What.Day.It.Is?

  1. Such scale…and Caleb is dwarfed… I think of these words, “above us only sky” though in this photo it appears the mesmerizing sky is the entire backdrop of horizon, encompassing a broad expanse of depth…

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  2. Yes, physically dwarfed though he always has a way of standing out, sometimes he is funny, we smile in JOY, he is always on the go and each Wednesday we are reminded that time passes and we are grateful for the past and hopeful for the future…and for some the count down to the weekend begins…time passes…and late last evening I listened to “Midnight at the Oasis” and knew that Caleb would be sleeping as the camels where “put to bed”…

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  3. A few nights back when I was listening to “Midnight at the Oasis” I was reading a blog called “Midlife at the Oasis” she has the video to the song in right sidebar – she is a humorous person and posts reviews of books among other topics…

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