I Needed Color: Free from the future. Free from the past. Free from regret. Free from worry.

What do you do when life chooses you? You can choose not to do it. You can choose to try to do something safer. Your vocation chooses you. When I really started painting a lot, I had become so obsessed, there was nowhere to move. In my home, paintings were everywhere. There were becoming part of the furniture. I was eating on them. I found myself looking around at one point, a really bleak winter in New York. It was just so depressing and I think I needed color. […]

You can tell what I love by the color of the paintings. You can tell my inner life by the darkness in some of them. You can tell by what I want by the brightness in some of them. […]

I think what makes someone an artist is they make models of their inner life. They make something physically come into being that is inspired by their emotions or their needs…

I like the independence of it. Love the freedom of it. No one else tells you what you can and can’t do…and, there’s an immediacy to it. Art has to be service, like you are servicing your subconscious…

When I was a kid I spent half my time in the living room performing for people. I spent the other half of my time in my bedroom by myself writing poetry and sketching. I was not the type of kid that you could say as a punishment: “good to your room” – because my room was Heaven to me. My isolation was welcome…

I don’t know what painting teaches me. I know it just frees me. Free from the future. Free from the past. Free from regret. Free from worry…

~ Jim Carrey, excerpts from  I Needed Color

Note to Self: Who knew that the star of Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994), Dumb and Dumber (1994), The Mask (1994) – had this talent.

28 thoughts on “I Needed Color: Free from the future. Free from the past. Free from regret. Free from worry.

  1. I love seeing how an artists palette changes as life transforms them, I’ve noticed it with friends who paint, the most noticeable was one whose wife was pregnant with their first child, during the pregnancy a number of softer pastel colours entered into his usually more vibrant, red, green, black palette. Astonishing.

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  2. I didn’t know he was a painter? Great video. Love how he says, we are always telling a story to ourselves and to the world and how all of us deep down want to show ourselves and have that be accepted. That’s the truth and so, “what story are we showing the world?” 😀

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  3. Is their no limit to this man’s intellect, creativity, insight ,thirsty passion, curiosity, talent & humanity? He knows that Love is the answer…He knows that we are all a work in progress and to keep doing by engaging fully in life, he learns that with each season of life, many gifts continue to present opportunity for Joy…In his rich landscape of the inner workings of his mind, he like a hard rock miner continues to dig…uncovering, vast ground and sometimes finding a treasure…he has not only uncovered a treasure within… he has been open to himself and vulnerable to his fellow man to gift us with the fruits of his exploration of his treasure mining…we are so fortunate to witness his talent, that teaches and enriches… I hope to be expose to more of his vulnerable, brilliance…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Just some additional thoughts, since yesterday….I think Jim Carrey, is a Thoughtful person & I think He is a Thankful person….I love his paintings…so skilled. I love how he makes the Colors Fly. I love how he starts with Raw Unfiltered-ness and then he, Hones Dimension to Refinement. JIm Carrey acknowledges in his recollection the Gift of Solitude in his childhood,The Solitude gave him an opportunity to Run Free, in his Mind…Building Imagination… I so understand that Gift of Solitude from my own childhood, though mine wasn’t by being sent to my room…it was from lack of the ability to communicate…. He has found a Freedom and Allowed the Outpouring of Manifestations to Vividly Color Our World with His Many Gifts of Genius…///I don’t know when that video was filmed but at that point he mentioned Jesus more than once. My own thought and IMHO, I hope he also finds or found True Freedom in Christ Jesus../// I think years ago I read that Jim Carrey is Canadian? Lots of good people come from Canada 🙂 ///.PS, I’ve contemplated taking lessons in Painting, Sculpture & Piano. I’ve even purchased a keyboard!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Carrey is Canadian. and Smiling about good people come from Canada. His is a genius. Time for our to get after your lessons. Never too late. (And thanks for sharing your additional thoughts. You enable us to park in your head with your description insights. Much obliged.)


  5. so perfect! You knew I’d LOVE this post David 🙂
    Carrey’s thoughts in many regards echo mine. I’ve had longer to contemplate what it teaches me though, lol.
    And I certainly agree that the autonomy within the realm of painting, is always a welcoming place.

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