T.G.I.F.: It’s been a long week

Parked outside my therapist’s office, I watched another therapist attempt to parallel park. When you grow up on a rural reservation, you only have to park parallel to the earth, so I was impressed as she parked skillfully in a very narrow space. But I guess it wasn’t quite parallel enough, so she pulled out of the space and tried again. And again. I thought she parked well, but she thought otherwise. She parked, pulled out, parked, pulled out, parked, and pulled out for at least ten minutes. Finally, she parked in a way that pleased her. Or maybe she just abandoned the effort. But as she stepped out of her car and walked toward her office, I thought, “Damn, I want that one to be my therapist.”

~ Sherman Alexie, “You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me: A Memoir

Portrait: Sherman Alexie

32 thoughts on “T.G.I.F.: It’s been a long week

  1. Well now… this could be taken two ways: Either, she is a person who does not give up (which is great when you need someone to not give up on you…) or, she is so demanding of perfection (that you could never attain a level of healing that satisfies her – which could drive you deeper into “crazy”!)

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  2. I keep seeing this author over at Alive on All Channels, and Elizabeth says Sherman is right up my alley. i believe he is.
    Me? I’m an abandon the effort kind of guy. if one wheel is on the curb, well, thats pretty darn good.

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