T.G.I.F.: Yep, Exactly Right.


5° F.
7 inches of snow on the ground.
NYC Schools closed.
Snow Day People!

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32 thoughts on “T.G.I.F.: Yep, Exactly Right.

    1. It is horrible out there. I don’t think so. Supposed to warm up to “17 F”. Feels like inside day today napping with Zeke on couch. Last weekday on 2 week vacation before back to work on Monday. Maybe there is a message in all this. 🙂


  1. yes, i’m on vacation too and feel somehow cheated out of official school snow days, should not complain though, at least i don’t have to go anywhere. stay in stay warm and enjoy )


  2. Kids had a snow day yesterday – back to school today. But – I’m sure if we get the below zero temps that are predicted – they will have more days off next week. We shall see…


  3. All of you somewhere over there on the other side of the continent, and here we were yesterday contemplating on how best to build an ark! At least we are supposed to stop raining today, so hopefully your precipitation slows out that way as well …


  4. Even my two dogs (Wolfgang and Molly) didn’t want to play outside this morning. Seemed very sensible to me.


  5. What totally crazy weather. Ordinarily, we are in Maine now, but I have to confess I’m glad not to be there right now. Stay warm, if possible.


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