Good morning. Another Beginning.

portrait, photography
I like beginnings
because they’re so full of promise.
The first page of a book,
the first day of a job,
the first time you buy yourself flowers,
the first date with a new man,
the first touch,
the first kiss,
the first kick of a good liquor,
the first moment you hold your own baby.
I like beginnings
because I know there’s always more to come.

— Shyma Perera, Bitter Sweet Symphony

Poem Source: Larmoyante. Photograph:

6 thoughts on “Good morning. Another Beginning.

  1. so, so true and the motivation we have to continue on, knowing there is always another chance with each new beginning.

    p.s. babies are my kryptonite, i am overcome with the power of the sheer beauty and trust.


  2. Dave,

    I enjoyed reading this poem as I head in to deliver our second child today . Thanks for sharing it was beautiful !


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