American Badass.

I was surprised at the amount of pride I felt when I read the cover of BusinessWeek’s new issue titled: “American Badass.”

“Who says the U.S. doesn’t make anything anymore?  John Deer’s big green profit machines are conquering the world.  ‘Cause that’s how they roll.”

John Deere, headquartered in Moline, IL, is as American as they come.  Here’s the full article: Deere’s Big Green Profit Machine.  Terrific story on a great company…

businessweek John Deere

13 thoughts on “American Badass.

  1. How funny – there is a pride-swell upon reading that the US is a bad-ass – and there’s something even more appropriate about it being John Deere. And though none of my baseball caps bear their logo, if they change their marketing strategy to “American Badass”, I just might have to get one…


  2. That is a great American Story. Maybe if all American companies took that approach we would have a much stronger industrial and manufacturing base that could withstand competition and weather economic downturns better. Instead we have allowed a new “robber baron” to thrive under the guise of “greed is good” and convince us all that them making money is good for all of us when it really is all about them making money for them.


  3. Those things abound here on the prairies – and John Deere caps are 2nd only to cowboy hats in Calgary this week.


  4. Great read and awesome picture. They deserve it after surviving hard times. By the way, the first thing Masters golf champ Charl Schwartzel from South Africa did with his winnings…bought a large John Deere.


  5. As a Tennessee farmgirl who grew up on an all-Deere corn, wheat, and soybean farm, I have a prideful, sentimental tear in my eye! Thanks for this, Dave! I will share with the Clark Farms crowd!


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