I hate being alone…

NO.  Not me.  I LOVE my solitude.  Especially during the early morning hours.

No traffic.  No distractions.  No meetings.  No presentations. No phone calls. No revenue pressure. No emails.  No idle chatter.  No Nothing.

So, then, Brutus, you have found Peace in your solitude?

No.  Just me and my mind.  Alone.

And boy, is she working me over…

Banging away.  Interrupting the silence.

“All that we are is the result of all that we have thought. It is founded on thought. It is based on thought.”

– The Dhammapada


28 thoughts on “I hate being alone…

  1. I, too, love the early morning hours when, if even for just a moment, I feel as though the world is mine. It’s a wonderful, quiet time to reflect and prepare for the day ahead.


  2. I too am a lover of the early mornings – sometimes beginning my day in the middle of the night just so I don’t miss any of it :-)….Seriously, the morning is the most gentle time of day – even though as you note, such solitude can kick one’s ass as the quiet gives the mind permission to roam in a way that the rest of the day prohibits. Gentle morning to all..


    1. “Gentle morning to all” – I read your comment and these 4 words with emphasis on gentle stuck with me all day. Thanks as always Mimi. You work magic with your words.


    1. Interesting you caught that Fay. I paused when I wrote “she.” But somehow “he” just didn’t seem to land squarely. And if I would have thought about the feminine optics, I might I have reconsidered. Learn something every day! 🙂


  3. Smiling, as we are so alike. Be kind to yourself Dave, remember your mind doesn’t always see the truth objectively. 🙂 I think you taught me that one – remember?


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