And then, there was snow.

1st snowfall of 2024. 33° F, wind gusts up to 20 mph. 7:15 to 7:45 pm. January 6, 2024. More photos from this evening’s walk at Cove Island Park here.

A wee bit of relief from the anxiety tied to “The End of Snow

5″ snow. Feels like 1°. Wind gusts up to 43 mph.


  • Photo: DK @ Daybreak. 5:55 a.m. January 29, 2022. 19° F, feels like 1° F. Snow, wind gusts up to 43 mph. Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT. Other photos from this morning here.
  • Snoopy via Mondoshop via thisisnthappiness

T.G.I.F.: Morning Swim (Post Grayson)


and if you have mittens, you will be in fine

“Snowmageddon, heading for the Northeast.  You guys who live in the Upper Midwest or the Rocky Mountain Region laugh, laugh at a foot of snow. You laugh at it. You mock it. Because that can happen in May! But tomorrow here in New York City and up and down the East Coast, there could be more than a foot of snow. The Panic is on. People are buying entire cows to make sure they have enough meat. 18 flashlights. Canned soup that will last for 80 years. You get the idea. Weather forecasters hysterical, many of them breaking down. Already many schools are closed. People have been seen weeping. Here’s the tip of the day. Overreaction is never a good thing. If it snows tomorrow, build a snowman, have some fun. It has nothing to do with Global Warming. And if you have mittens, you will be fine.”

~ Bill O’Reilly, Tip of the Day (March 13, 2017)




Don’t miss the other 6 charts at: 7 Snow Day Charts To Help You Weather The Storm

Thank you Moira