
Pink Day. See more photos of Pink-a-palooza here and Twilight to Sunrise here.

Inspired by excerpt from Mary Oliver’s poem — “By morning I had vanished at least a dozen times into something better.” — Mary Oliver, “Sleeping in the Forest” in Sleeping in the Forest (Ohio University, 1978)

Sunday Morning

leave me alone. let me soak in the first few days of june. let the birds wake me up as they sing a song and let the rays of sun slowly creep in through my blinds. let me rest. let me simmer in my thoughts. the months are passing us by fast. it is june and i want to savour it.



  • Additional photos from this morning’s daybreak walk at Cove Island Park here.
  • Thank you Sawsan for sharing quote.

TGIF. Thar she blows!

Twilight. 59° F, with rain and wind gusts up to 38 mph. 6:00 am. April 12, 2024. Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT. For more pictures from this morning’s walk, click here.

They’re back…

Atlantic Brant’s are back for a pit stop before heading north. More pictures from this morning’s walk here.

If you’ve never heard the call of an Atlantic Brant, listen here. “The Atlantic brant makes a low, guttural ruk-ruk sound, and its call pattern is flat, rising, and undulating. Brant also make a guttural crrrronk when flying or on the ground, and a shorter, sharper cruk alarm call. (via Google)”

Lightly Child, Lightly.

One thing is certain, and I have always known it — the joys of my life have nothing to do with age. They do not change. Flowers, the morning and evening light, music, poetry, silence,

May Sarton, from At Seventy: A Journal


  1. DK photo @ 6:13 am, January 10, 2024, Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT. 51° F in January! More photos from yesterday morning’s walk here.
  2. Post Title & Inspiration: Aldous Huxley: “It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.