Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

It’s true I do have time and freedom and I love it, sometimes. But the notion that I should be “making the most of it”, travelling the world or out every night, there’s a kind of tyranny in that too, that life has to be full, like your life’s a hole that you have to keep filling, a leaky bucket, and not just fulfilled but seen to be fulfilled. “You don’t have kids, why can’t you speak Portuguese?” Do I have to have hobbies and projects and lovers? Do I have to excel? Can’t I just be happy, or unhappy, just mess about and read and waste time and be unfulfilled by myself?

David Nicholls, You Are Here: Novel (Harper, May 28, 2024)

Book Review: The Guardian & The New York Times

27 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

      1. Yes.

        There are many “traps and wrong turns” to avoid when determining how to use your free time. Trying out the latest gaming app on your phone will likely not prove satisfying in the end. (I can’t speak for those younger than a certain age because I don’t have children and I certainly do not understand their definition of “satisfaction”.)

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  1. It gives me a bit of hope to see more and more articles coming out that push back against accepting values that our cultures try to force on us.

    There are endless things that different people find “satisfying” and “fulfilling”. And each of us may have to search for a while to find “the things that make us feel whole”.

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  2. The reviews seem to be either stunning OR deadening — my guess is I’d get something useful from this book and totally enjoy the labor! It puts me in mind of Lively’s “The Photograph” wherein hardly anyone in Kath’s life knew the real her and all had a different image of her; she didn’t disabuse anyone of their notions, just quietly lived and loved as herself.

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  3. I think what Nicols means to say is that we should care less in society”s or peers’ dictate but rather do or be what feels right for ourselves. I like his quotes and liked his ‘starters for ten”. But I also feel free to be ‘more of myself’ since I’m no longer responsible for larger groups of employees. A good recommendation.

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