All I need is…?

Yesterday, WordPress sent a congratulations email to celebrate another year blogging on WordPress. I deleted it without reading the details. Another year. Ho Hum.

4 days ago, Mimi drops me an email inquiring about post absences. “Out of character. What’s Up? You ok?” Uninspired, was the response.

This morning Sawsan sends a text: “3 Consecutive Days of late posts, did you move to a new time zone?” Nope. Like Roberto Duran, No Mas.

So, I walk. Cove Island Loop. Outside never fails to inspire.

I get home to jot down my notes.

I search my email trash bin to find the WordPress anniversary message.

My first post was in October 2011. 9 years ago. 9 years of Life.

I turn my attention back to this post.

And I’m blank…

Blank but for passages in Hisham Matar’s Pulitzer Prize winning memoir, The Return, and two related thoughts.

  1. …like the fan shape the fisherman’s net leaves when it touches the surface of the water, was only momentarily perceptible…” I hope that in some small way this blog has brought some enjoyment to your day.
  2. No amount of gratitude would be sufficient.”

Thank you all.


Image: Edited from

78 thoughts on “All I need is…?

  1. Happy 9th blogaversary! I do enjoy your posts and find them thought provoking. Artists of all types are flagging right now, so you are not alone!

    You should get yourself something to honor this occasion. Isn’t the traditional 9th anniversary gift something with fur, like a dog????

    Liked by 2 people

  2. A decade of soliciting smiles, inviting introspection, fostering friendships, healing hearts, stimulating snickers, generating guffaws, permitting (much needed) pauses, delivering directives, tempting tears, demonstrating dependability, and just being one of the *best* damn ways to start my day, virtually *every* day….that’s you and this blog, pal. Full. Stop. Here’s to another 10….

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Laughing. I’m in such a funk, i didn’t even get the math right. October, 2011 would make it 9 years. (Thanks of course to Sawsan who always catches my errors). Maybe we call the puppy Nino? And thanks for your kind words Lori. Appreciate you!

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Lori said it, David. I haven’t been hanging out at your place for nine years but the number I have has been fabulous and inspiring and expensive (all those book suggestions. I’m reading a fourth suggestion. You haven’t failed me yet.) And so what if you’re having a quiet time? You’re allowed (heck, I haven’t written in a week either .. )
    We love you!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Congrats on your 9th blogaversary! I believe my first comment here was to your “find the ____ in the Christmas tree” post; can’t remember what the ____ was, but I’d been looking in way before that! ❤ God bless. Hang in there. This is life. Keep making it better for yourself, too, please.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve been here since November 2014, as one of your thousands of followers! I look forward to L&L every morning. Dale and I shared stories of our children a couple of weeks ago. And I mentioned to her how I went from an avid reader to zero reading for 13 years, since the day the incident with my children took place. 13 years, no words. I couldn’t read. Then Dale asked, ” But you read now, what happened?”
    Live & Learn, that’s what happened. She said that I should share this with you. There’s no better occasion than your blogging anniversary to tell you this.

    You hope that in some small way this blog has brought some enjoyment to my day?
    You gave me ‘Words’ back. I started reading after a 13-year pause with L&L, and writing, and translating.
    And sooo much more.

    Liked by 6 people

  6. congratulations! and thank you for your wonderful posts that make me think about who I am and what I think about things. and thank you for being such a vital part of the WordPress community. I look forward to your posts each day, no matter what time of the day they get posted 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I fret over the blanks in my own blog sometimes, but then, I realize that something always happens for me to write about. It can be the simplest thing, but it always happens. I think I also started blogging in 2011, and I know that feeling of — blank! But just to say hello as a sign of life is sometimes all it takes to get going again. Glad you’re still there, DK.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. When I first started blogging, way back in March 2007, I posted every single day of the week. I’ve now moved to Mon – Fri and give myself permission to miss a day or two here and there. I also take weeks off.

    I have found that the break reignites my love of blogging and my imagination.

    Your posts always inspire David, and they always evoke interesting responses from readers and for me, often inspire my posts and/or my thoughts/questions/ideas.

    Thank you for your contributions to making the world a better place. Who you are and how you are in this world make a difference.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. a surprise cache of pottery and willow wood are winging their way to you in honor of your 9th, no telling when it will arrive, it could be years. ) here’s to 9-90 more

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Your presence has always enriched my day… into the words, into the stories, into the photographs,…has always found a place in my own world of spirit and thought with impressive guiding touches. Blessing and Happiness dear Dave, and Congratulations too, can’t believe all these years how passed… Love, nia

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I have found it difficult, since this relocation, to be faithful to WP. We are still adjusting, figuring things out. And we need islands of time to just Be. There is so much going on in the world today that it’s a wonder some remain in familiar grooves. Give yourself a break if you need it, David. Plus, the death of your brother is still relatively recent. Love.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. You have enriched all of us who have had the privilege to wander through your offerings…keep expanding our minds…in your intelligent, gentle, encouraging, non-bias, accepting, sometimes humorous, thought provoking ways…Such a worthy endeavor! I appreciate you! Congratulations on your Blog Anniversary!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Aaaawh – Say YES to a DOG!
    Say CONGRATS to nine years of blogging faithfully! (Throwing confettis over your keyboard!!!)
    Giving THANKS to whoever brought me over to DK’s blog and keeping me there, not every day but regularly and with great joy and interest!
    Plus always another confirmation of WHY i never had a blog, because i don’t want to pressure myself and there IS NO DUTY to post every day anyway….. You’re doing just fine and it gives me a reason to say THANK YOU for providing such a wealth of info, fun, thoughts, wisdom and junk news…. ha ha. Love you to bits!

    Liked by 1 person

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