Sunday Morning


Daybreak. 4:44, 5:13 & 5:48 am. July 12, 2020. 72° F.  @ 4:30 a.m.: Humidity 83%. Wind: 10 mph. Gusts: 21 mph. Cloud Cover: 4%. Weed Avenue & Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT

38 thoughts on “Sunday Morning

  1. In a two-step, or three? they court each
    flirting and teasing the light
    from their opposite.

    they get all the attention.

    I am left with dirty soap water.
    all if fair and right

    act ually.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. IMG-0531.jpg
    how do I send this through WP? I’m struggling with some tech issues with WP…. I wonder about a better/easier platform ….(ooooh baby, dig those platform heels in the right spot…yea, there’s a sweet spot.

    sent it the easy way


  3. Beautiful photos. Like you and Beth, this is my favorite time of the day. Sunrises, to me, represent potential, and offer such a positive way to start the day. Have you taken any pictures of sunsets to compare the two?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I took two pics this morning at the lake – at 8.30, fishermen were already chatting together, the one was smoking, the other one checking out his large bag of croissants and sandwiches…. they said a friendly hello and I marvelled at the otherwise near still scenery, birds singing, on 3 tennis courts shoes pullings stripes through the sand, a few runners, some ccouples walking hand in hand – the sun was shining, it was a moment of sheer bliss and happiness. Then I went to church which was happiness again! Now it’s the evening, mother-in-law was brought home, HH is having a quick sleep and I’m grateful for this moment of ‘me’ time – and sharing your offerings.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. These are beautiful! I love seeing the world through your eyes. I hope it’s OK if I borrow one or two. They will go well with a new posting I’m working on. Of course, I will give you credit!

    Liked by 1 person

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