

Our very own Sawsan. Milwaukee, Wisconsin May 2007. Weekend summer festival by the lake.

And I quote Sawsan: “I was stressed. He (Caleb) was huge. My daughter and I were between his two humps. I sunk in. I was so worried she would fall. Seriously, it was like being on a ship in the ocean in high waves.”

How great is this?!?


  • Sawsan’s WordPress blog can be found at: Last Tambourine
  • Background on Caleb/Wednesday/Hump Day Posts and Geico’s original commercial: Let’s Hit it Again. Caleb is grounded in Work For Home and can’t come out to play this week.

66 thoughts on “Guess.What.Day.It.Is?

  1. Bravo Sawsan! And tks for sharing this great memory and souvenir from another time. You truly are as beautiful as I knew you were…. even looking kind of scared on that far-away height (I wd be terrified too. AND with your small daughter up there). 🐫

    And Thank you Dave for saying *our very own*, she is our national treasure. Just think you couldn’t banter with her? Where would all the fun be? 😉👍🏻

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          1. 😀🤣🙂 Sorry friend, sometimes I don’t even realise how very much I’m throwing languages-mixed-up-expressions around. That was of course the original French word which, (sadly) was then imported by the E spoken countries and gradually got forgotten
            What I meant to say, was: Is observing Ramadan prohibit her from blogging, is she forbidden to comment, is it a religious prescription???? Happy now ? 😏🤨🤓

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          2. Isn’t it funny that a language obsessed Swiss German is helping you with your English… and I don’t mean that in a demeaning or scholarly way. It just amuses me every time. I find the way our brain functions absolutely fascinating. HH had some words in E that even our most brilliant and doctored English friends didn’t know….


          3. To answer your question dear Kiki, No, fasting Ramadan does not prevent me from this. I’m doing two things at the same time. Fasting until the 23rd, something else we call “Seclusion.”
            Otherwise I’m fully functioning. Working, from home and outside. Grocery shopping, cooking, eating between sunset and dawn. Everything else is as usual.

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    1. Kiki, it wasn’t like in the movies. The camel didn’t kneel or anything. They did it the safer way. We had to go up a platform. I got situated first. Then they handed me the Little-one, she was only 3. He felt like he was 2 floors up from the ground. And we weren’t strapped or anything. You are all in my treasure box, all precious treasures.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. That sounds about right – I’d NEVER venture to such a ride, I’d be too afraid…. But then I’m not you, less brave, less daring. And thank you for coming briefly out of your quarantine (social medias, fast) to explain things. It was much needed. In the meantime nobody cares any longer for Caleb, all we want to know is about YOU!!!! Thanks and you may now go back to doing the right thing. I should get you together with one of my sisters, the one with the iron-clad mind and the willpower of Hercules…. Comes May, a diet of 2-3 wks is on – whether she needs it or not (she doesn’t). Underlined by a long, steep march every day, in wind and weather, up a hill nearby, at a brisk pace – and she won’t left out one day, come rain or shine….
        Love you!

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  2. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Sawsan, family and Caleb!! … “I was stressed. He (Caleb) was huge. My daughter and I were between his two humps. I sunk in. I was so worried she would fall. Seriously, it was like being on a ship in the ocean in high waves.” How great is this?!? …

    Liked by 2 people

  3. What a great shot! How wonderful Sawsan was willing to give it to you, DK…
    She is so beautiful and regal, sitting up there looking fearless (fake it till you make it)

    Liked by 3 people

        1. Really???? Is she shut away during R? She shouldn’t. I knew many Muslims who worked all day, we’re amongst people, took money and chatted. Then, in the eve, they attended to their fattened lambs and sweet feasts… I never knew how they did it. Had a great bakery nearby, al the guys always cheerful, super friendly, never a complaint…. I am starving just thinking about it!

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          1. She chooses to stay off social media (except Wattsap as that is more like a phone than social media). And yes, she is doing the fasting, too.

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    1. Fake till you make it is exactly what that was 🙂
      About being ‘willing’ to give him the shot, I pretty much dug a hole for myself that I couldn’t get out of. I did this to myself.

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          1. Now don’t take this technique lightly.
            One of the lessons in Richard Stengel’s Mandela’s Way, 15 Lessons on Life, Love, and Courage, advices that one must put up a front. That’s another way of saying fake it.

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          2. This is true. I don’t use it to be fake; I use it to create self-assurance. Pretend I know what I’m doing so I have the confidence to really do it. Oddly enough.

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  4. I love this share…and Sawsan & her sweet toddler made a memory that her daughter treasures and Sawsan you were brave! So glad you had the opportunity.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. …realized, “it’s Wednesday!” and went looking for this… But, what a treat! Can imagine being there! Thank you, Sawsan for sharing a memorable moment!

    Liked by 2 people

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