Sunday Morning


It’s enough just to listen to music, to keep asking questions for which there are no answers, to remember paintings seen in a museum, to note the earth’s quiet at dusk, birds’ voices in May, to shiver at the thought that they’re alive, that the gleam of each new dawn is an endless promise.

~ Adam Zagajewski, Slight Exaggeration: An Essay (April 4, 2017)


27 thoughts on “Sunday Morning

  1. I sit in my lovely edge-of-the-woods garden early every morning and just listen. Just listen. It is quite miraculous how the quiet sounds Nature creates can shut out the normal noises in my head. This is a delightful quote. Again, as always, thank you.
    Nan Morrissette

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  2. David, I often read your beautifully curated (to use a trendy word tossed around these days) quotes and observations, but I rarely think to acknowledge how much I appreciate what your blog offers. So this Sunday morning I am expressing general gratitude, and specific thanks for directing my attention to Adam Zagajewski, previously unknown to me.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Lovely words…We are blessed to take a breath and note the opportunity to and to experience some of the simple pleasures that enrich our lives… Such a Joy to Live…for each breath is a gift and each day does holds such “promise”..

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