Sad. 3 out of 10.

top 10 most read books in the world

Source: digg
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47 thoughts on “Sad. 3 out of 10.

    1. I’m in on Da Vinci Code (1st and last of his), Think & Grow Rich (during era massive intake of self help) and Alchemist. I can’t count Gone with the Wind (1/4 through 15 years ago.)


      1. Well, I do go to church-regularly-followed by a greasy breakfast at the Sugar Bowl. However the y-axis is based on numbers sold. I just don’t believe everybody staying at the Marriot is reading the whole thing. I have never been able to persevere. When I was in school, I had this romantic notion of listening to the whole thing on CDs on my drive out to LA-then I forgot to check it out at the library before I left. I ‘m willing to wager that more people are familiar with the tails of Harry Potter, than the readings of Paul.


  1. I’m happy in a glass half full kind of way. As you may know, I’m a big fan of the Bible and how it informs my worldview. Nevertheless, I also know that many Christians don’t engage with the Bible. Only 21% say they do according to recent Barna study. And amongst Hispanics who are overwhelmingly Christian, only 8% say the engage with the Bible and it influences their daily life – another Barna study that I helped design. While I’m happy with the Bible’s longstanding position as the most read book in the world – and yes there is a great need for cliff notes : ) – it’s much better to celebrate how the Bible reads the reader. And that’s where it’s losing ground. Glad I work to change that and help others experience it’s relevancy.


  2. Well I also have only read three…. and yes, the Bible is one of them. Actually I might have read the whole thing more than once over the many years. Next would be think and grow rich and Lord of the Rings. Although I average 12-20 books a year, I guess my choices fall below the topped ranked.

    Have a great evening David 🙂


  3. “Gone With The Wind?” Actually, I’m not surprised. In a just world, it would be replaced by “To Kill A Mockingbird.” I’m amazed to say that I’ve read six of the books on the list. And yes, one of them was “Gone . . .” I count the Bible as one of the six. But to be honest, I haven’t read the Bible all the way through.


  4. I went to Catholic grade school and Catholic high school, so, yes, I’ve read my share of the Bible, though certainly not nearly all of it. Other than the Bible, I’ve read 6. I haven’t read Think and Grow Rich (which might explain a lot!)


  5. Hmmm 2 out of 10, the Da vinci code and the alchemist. That is so unfair though, what happened to all those beautiful books like the picture of Dorian Grey? Oh well, at least we still read books instead of facebook-ing…


  6. 7/10 for me. I knew The Bible was the top seller (used to manage a bookstore), but I’m amazed that there are so many relatively new books on this list. And only two that are non-English in origin. Hmm.


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