Your Muse. She prefers sweat.

work, hard work,

“Is this magic? A miracle? No, it’s common as dirt.

It’s how creativity works. We show up. We do our best. Good things happen.

This is the intersection of Hard Work and Inspiration.

When we say “Put your ass where your heart wants to be,” this is what we mean.

This is what being a pro is all about. It’s why we practice self-discipline, self-validation, self-reinforcement…

We master all of those disciplines for one reason: so that we can be sitting there in the sweet spot when the Muse’s rocket ship passes by. That’s how the two sides work together. Hard work and inspiration.

Diligence produces inspiration because it shows respect to the goddess.

Genius and brilliance do not earn her favor. She prefers sweat. Get your butt in to the studio. Sit down at the piano. Boot up your iMac.

See yourself as the Muse sees you. You’ll know what to do.”

~ Stephen Pressfield, “You, as the Muse Sees You

Image Credit: Patrick Wilbanks

20 thoughts on “Your Muse. She prefers sweat.

  1. I have read enough of Pressfield to know it was him writing before I got to the end. I think I like his nonfiction thoughts better than his fiction. BUT I am not an historical novel fan and war is not my favorite subject. Have you read some of his fictional books? Did you enjoy?


  2. “put your ass where your heart wants to be.” Pretty unambiguous, that. This passage really spoke to me, and the visual is PERFECT. Thanks for this morning bit of inspiration, David!


  3. “It’s how creativity works. We show up. We do our best. Good things happen.” Yes, when we put our heart and soul into what matters to us…good things do happen, even if it is only within our own heart and soul.


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