T.G.I.F.: Friday. Yesssss…..

Source: gifak-net

It’s Been A Long Day

sun conure


R.I.P. Birdie


This morning, I shared a gif of a parrot taking a shower.

I then check my emails and receive this message, the first of the day.

Good morning. I am very sorry to tell you that Birdie passed away this morning. She had been just fine until about 6 months ago when she began having occasional seizures. We are assuming she had one last night. Jessica found her at the bottom of the cage this morning and it seemed like she was hanging on for her to get home. She died shortly after Jessica picked her up. She spent most of every day on Jessica’s shoulder or inside her shirt during the winter months. Jessica is devastated. She lost her best animal friend.

In case you missed the original post on the background of Birdie and our family, you can find it here: “I Miss Birdie.”

Sad Day. Yet, what incredible joy this little creature brought to our family.

RIP Birdie.

All the variety,
all the charm,
all the beauty of life
is made up of light and shadow.

~ Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina


Birdie Update!

A month ago on yet another Sunday, I wrote a post called “I miss Birdie.”  Birdie was a fixture on my shoulder and my mind on Sundays. Here we are yet again talking about Birdie.  (That’s her in the photo on a spring day grazing on our tree in our yard.)

The post received many online and offline comments – – the offline comments coming from my cowardly-lion-friends and some from my family:

  • “Really?”
  • “Is this the same guy I know?”
  • Are you a real man? (This one made me LOL)
  • Dad, seriously?  You’ve cross the line again.
    Well, I’m pleased to report that Jessica, the new owner, read my post and has an update.  How unbelievably lucky are we!  When I read her update I was smiling throughout…Our little creature has had a lifestyle upgrade – – from flying Business Class with the Kanigan’s to First Class in her new home.  Here is Jessica’s response to my earlier post:

Continue reading “Birdie Update!”

I miss “Birdie”…

Erin (aka Birdie) is a Sun Conure.

It’s Erin’s 10th birthday.  (And Sunday mornings are for reflection and I’m reminiscing.)

LC, a former colleague, asked our family to watch her while her home was being renovated.

90 days came and went and somehow Birdie was adopted.

What a magnificent creature she was.

We were soul mates. (Laughing.  I could hear my kids now.  Dad, that’s WAY over the top.)  She would camp out on my shoulder and watch me do my work on the PC while she gnawed away at old sweat shirts.  (Must have been soothing for her as she worked through at least 10-15 shirts.)

Continue reading “I miss “Birdie”…”