Walking. In Strawberries.

4:23 a.m., or so.  Yesterday morning.

It’s been 772 consecutive (almost) days on my daybreak walk at Cove Island Park. Like in a row.

And, I’m walking.

This is after moon shots at 1:43 am, 3:35 am, and now – – all posted yesterday in Let us taste the Strawberry MoonWhy, am I still up? Because Christie told me about the Strawberry Moon. And when my WordPress friends tell me to do something, I do it. So I chased her.

Who’s Christie? Mimi from her post last night: “There are people who I have followed (or who have followed me) on WordPress for years. Never met them, never spoke to them, and would likely not recognize them if we passed on the street. And yet, they are my friends…We commiserate in comment sections, check in with each other on email, rail at times, commiserate other times and occasionally marvel at our common ground. Ground that we walk in figurative step, covering invisible miles through the ether, yet as firm under my feet as the street. There is wonder in this.”

There is wonder in this. I’m nodding my head in agreement. Yet another awesome Human who can put into words, what I can’t, and so beautifully.

I walk. Bleary-eyed. Bone tired. Exhaustion fully set in.

I can see her out of the corner of my eye. She’s Giant, my Strawberry Moon, hovering, and whisper quiet as she hangs overhead, illuminating the earth in her warm glow.  All, I’m sure, to protect me from taking a header as I make my way to the North point of the park.

I walk.

I twist my Air Pod snugly into my right ear, and then my left.  I cue up a Chill playlist, randomly selected by another giant fruit, Apple.

I walk. My feet are moving under their own propulsion, on the same track that I have now passed hundreds of times.  “Siri, turn up the volume.”  Henry Green in “Shift” …I feel movements under my skin…” Continue reading “Walking. In Strawberries.”

Let us taste the Strawberry Moon


  • Photo: DK of Strawberry Moon. 100% illumination. #1 – 1:43 a.m. from backyard in Darien. #2: 4:27 a.m. Cove Island Park.  And then on cue, pink sky rolled in at 5:19 am @ Cove Island Park.  More on background of Strawberry Moon here. Thank you Christie for the heads up on tonight’s moon show.  (And keeping me up at this ungodly hour!)
  • Post Title from Poem by Lorna: “Let us taste the Strawberry Moon / Wrap us in the light of / The pink dawn-at-night moon / Let’s pretend that June’s perfection / Never ends / That the strawberries and cream of June / Will serve to mend / And to our troubled thoughts / A peace lend.