Saturday Morning



All the candles
burning down to the metal,

the radiator singing its dumb water song.


The dust
in my lungs.
Knock it
out of me.


did it get so cold?

~ Marty McConnell, Elegy

Credits: Poem – VerseDaily. Photo: Exercice de Style

SMWI*: It’s a shame that sometimes


It’s a beautiful thing
to have lungs that allow you to breathe air
and legs that allow you to climb mountains,
and it’s a shame that sometimes
we don’t realize that that’s enough.



Work-Out Inspiration: And my excuse would be…what?

He was born with cystic fibrosis, a chronic progressive disease characterized by a thick, sticky mucous that clogs the lungs. Each day, he takes 50-70 pills.  And he hooks himself up to a machine called the vest that shakes his upper body for 1-1.5 hours a day to loosen the mucus from his lungs.  All this – – so he can run. He’s run 6 marathons, five of which have been under 4 hours. Why does he do it?

“I do it because I want to prove to myself that I can…I run because one day I might not able to.”

Source: Thank you