Our Future

Uh, oh…

internetsurfingUh, oh.  Oh boy.  No further comment.

Source: New York Times – How Depressives Surf the Internet.  Some choice excerpts:

…IN what way do you spend your time online? Do you check your e-mail compulsively? Watch lots of videos? Switch frequently among multiple Internet applications — from games to file downloads to chat rooms?

…your pattern of Internet use says something about you…research suggests it can offer clues to your mental well-being.

…There were two major findings. First, we identified several features of Internet usage that correlated with depression…the more a participant’s score on the survey indicated depression, the more his or her Internet usage included… high levels of sharing files (like movies and music).

…Our second major discovery…styles of Internet behavior that were signs of depressive people. For example, participants with depressive symptoms tended to engage in very high e-mail usage. This perhaps was to be expected: research has shown that frequent checking of e-mail may relate to high levels of anxiety, which itself correlates with depressive symptoms.

…Another example: the Internet usage of depressive people tended to exhibit high “flow duration entropy” — which often occurs when there is frequent switching among Internet applications like e-mail, chat rooms and games.

…Other characteristic features of “depressive” Internet behavior included increased amounts of video watching, gaming and chatting.

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