Monday Morning Wake-Up Call: Breakfast!

dive-1-kingfisher-bird-fishing-gif dive-2-kingfisher-bird-diving-fishing-gif-fish dive-3-kingfisher-dive-diving-fishing-fish-bird dive-4-kingfisher-diving-fishing-gif-bird

Source: (Kingfisher diving underwater to catch fish in slow motion)

5:00 PM Bell!


Notes: Photograph by 

Never too Heavy — to float above it all.

The photo is taken near Andaman islands while diving with a unique elephant, who likes to swim in the sea. It is one of the brightest experiences I've ever had.

“The photo is taken near Andaman islands while diving with a unique elephant, who likes to swim in the sea. It is one of the brightest experiences I’ve ever had.” ((Mike Korostelev)

Don’t miss other fantastic photos: The year’s most breathtaking travel destinations, from National Geographic’s 2015 Traveler Photo Contest

Watch this (and think 40 Tons of Shock and Awe)

“Two divers had just been scuba diving at Souza Rock, two miles off Morro Bay in Central California.  They were merely passing time before the next scuba dive by snorkeling among sardines and other life in the area. They had cameras and a safety rope, and hoped to get shots of humpbacks in the distance.  “When we got in, the whales were about a quarter of a mile away.” Humpback whales feed on shrimp-like krill and small fish, which are ingested in large volumes with sea water. The water is expelled through baleen plates.  In this case the whales were clearly after the sardines, using vertical lunge-feeding techniques to catch the fish.  But humpback whales weigh up to 40 tons and the whales…”


Saturday Morning Workout Inspiration: Virgin Islands

Now this has considerable appeal this morning as temperatures dip well below freezing.  I’m inspired.

Action Sports St. John from Steve Simonsen on Vimeo.

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