The Line and Beyond


Don’t get misled by the floppy ears and the deliciousness.  He’s a wild beast. A Wild Beast.

My eyes take inventory of the damage.

There are four swollen puncture marks. All on the same hand.  One gouge on the bulging vein on top of the right hand, two side by side on the wrist two inches above it, and one lightly visible on the fatty part of the skin above the thumb and index finger.

I slide my thumb into the palm in my right hand.  I grip. Pain shoots up my hand, wrist and arm.  Self-inflicted. Sort of. Not really.

It was all triggered by my step counter flashing red, urging me to get up off the couch – Walk! Harmless enough.

Rachel is glued to The Bachelor. (Mind numbing trash). I’m catching up on the morning papers. And Red Lights are still flashing.

I get up.

Zeke eyes me as I make a loop around the kitchen, the living room and the family room.

I make a second loop, and I pick up the pace heading into the third.  Zeke jumps off the ottoman and gives chase.

I run. Continue reading “The Line and Beyond”

It’s been a long week


Source: Themetapicture