Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

Whenever I feel bad, I go to the library and read controversial periodicals. Though I do not know whether I am a liberal or a conservative, I am nevertheless enlivened by the hatred which one bears the other. In fact, this hatred strikes me as one of the few signs of life remaining in the world. This is another thing about the world which is upside-down: all the friendly and likable people seem dead to me; only the haters seem alive.

—  Walker PercyThe Moviegoer: A Novel (Vintage; April 14, 1998) (via Whiskey River)


  • Quote – Thank you Whiskey River.
  • Photo of Walker Percy sitting in his Covington, La., yard, June 8, 1977. (AP Photo/Jack Thornell)

23 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

  1. Schindler’s List was on Showtime last night. I had to turn it off mid way. I just couldn’t handle human beings savagery. I had to listen to Chopin and read before turning in to calm down. I can’t get my head wrapped around why human beings do cruelty things to each other. Brutal


  2. It is a sad state we the people are in. This hatred has brought confusion, distance, and a life of walking on egg shells. As hard as I try I am sure my belief will offend and be misunderstood. So, yes, I keep quiet often so not to break any eggs. Even my husband and I differ on something and anytime I try to explain how I think, he cannot handle my difference. This hatred seep down into us by just listening to someone sound off on others of a different opinion. I understand where you are coming from and I am convicted that I do not speak up more often.

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      1. I believe the outcome is how the bible says, we are heading for the rapture and then it will get even worst as the tribulation starts. We live with the trend of the times, what ever politicians is in office has power to make changes. For us living with our culture our response is important. As always our little world of people we are around watch us as we claim to be God’s people. And there has been and always will be opposition against us. Which is why I think we need to stand on our principals from the Word, come hell or high water as my Mom use to say.

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