Tuesday Morning

Tuesday morning @ 5:39 am @ Cove Island Park. 55° F. (Audio control – bottom left.)

More photos from this morning’s walk here.

Post inspired by Paul Lynch from the Prophet Song: “The birds will always inhabit the earth, the birds calling the dawn.”

Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

My job is clear: I must protect the transmission, smuggle it out of the theater, to examine it later in my room, see if it still glows. If it does, I might start to think in sentences about it. If the sentences get bossy enough, I might start to write them down. This much I’ve learned—you put enough in, and eventually, if unpredictably, something will come out.

Maggie Nelson, Like Love: Essays and Conversations. (Graywolf Press, April 2, 2024)

Notes: Book Review from The Guardian: “Like Love by Maggie Nelson review – music, passion and friendship

Sunday Morning

Daybreak Walk @ Cove Island Park. Time Series. 49° F. 3:54, 5:03 & 6:07 am. Mother’s Day, May 12, 2024. Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT. For more pictures of this morning’s walk, go here.

Walking. With Ellie.

Good morning from Connecticut. Today, makes it 1,467 consecutive (almost) days on this daybreak morning walk at Cove Island Park. Like in a Row.

We were primed for another rant following last week’s diatribe: “Ladies Give Me Your Best Shot.” All the targeted Ladies (aka Sawsan) went scurrying back to her Den (with her Broom). Her replacement, while not an total embarrassment, is on her way to earning that merit badge shortly.

So, there’s one Lady left standing. I asked Susan if I can share more specifics about her OCD, that being her neuroses with light switches at the top and bottom of the stairs. Wally and I got a hostile reaction, and decided that this was a red line not to be tested.

I walk, wandering, ruminating. What shall we blog about today? Is it…

  • How I gained 10 lbs in 10 days? (Cake!)
  • How my insomnia has progressively deteriorated during the same period? (Cake?)
  • Why my Doctored-ordered Glucose test (a pre-diabetic alert) reported an alarming upward trend? (Cake?)

I walk.

I noodle these issues (and others), feeling the weight of their drag.

Continue reading “Walking. With Ellie.”


Caleb is courting the ladies. Much watch T.V.


  • Thank you Kiki for sharing the video.
  • Post Title: Background on Caleb/Wednesday/Hump Day Posts and Geico’s original commercial: Let’s Hit it Again.