Monday Morning Wake Up Call (Time to get moving…)

Egret on the move. More photos from this morning’s walk here.

T.G.I.F.: Don’t let the clock cut up your life in pieces

I sit up late dumb as a cow,
which is to say
somewhat conscious with thirst and
hunger, an eye for the new moon
and the morning’s long walk
to the water tank. Everywhere
around me the birds are waiting
for the light. In this world of dreams
don’t let the clock cut up
your life in pieces.

Jim Harrison, “Rumination” from Jim Harrison: The Essential Poems, by Jim Harrison


  • More DK Photos of a Juvenile Egret at Cove Island Park on April 18 2024 here.
  • Poem: Thank you Beth @ Alive on All Channels.

where I simply look…the moment’s chance (9 sec)

What happens every day is what’s surprising. The treasure’s never where I look to find it but where I simply look — the sky, the wind, sunrise, a silver arc, the moment’s chance.

— Ursula K. Le Guin, from “The Everyday (At Kishamish)” in “Finding My Elegy: New and Selected Poems”

Feather blowing in the wind. Twilight. 5:52 am. April 17, 2024. Cove Island Park. Stamford, CT.

More photos from this morning’s walk here.

Sunday, Sparrows, Sawsan (do unto others as….)

I knew when I took the shot this morning it would be a triggering moment for Sawsan who swoons over Sparrows.

Then I posted the shot on Instagram. In seconds, a text message comes flying in: “POST the Sparrow, PLEASE.”

Then message alerts won’t stop: Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping PING. PING. She lights up my inbox after I ask her to share a few thoughts on why I should post the picture.

I was a bit taken back — she said ‘PLEASE‘ vs. the customary JUST-DO-IT. Finally, a wee bit of control over Her on Something. I feel such joy over this…

Sawsan said it all started here with my post: Riding Metro North. With “My” Little Bird.’

Then she shares a passage from Thoreau in ‘Walden‘: “I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance that I should have been by any epaulet I could have worn.”

I had to look up “epaulet.”

I re-read the passage, and thought about the summer afternoon when the kids and I went to Cove Island Park. I had Birdie (our Sun Conure) on my shoulder — and, the kids were a least one hundred yards behind me, belly crawling in the grass, nope, don’t know him, never saw him before in our life.

But we digress.

Continue reading “Sunday, Sparrows, Sawsan (do unto others as….)”

TGIF. Thar she blows!

Twilight. 59° F, with rain and wind gusts up to 38 mph. 6:00 am. April 12, 2024. Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT. For more pictures from this morning’s walk, click here.