

I grew up in Ootischenia, a small town in British Columbia, Canada – population of 500.   I grew up fishing, playing hockey and tormenting my younger brothers.  Under firm parental guidance, I learned the “life trades” of discipline, work ethic and execution.  Fast forward more than 20 years of working and leading in large U.S. corporations, here I am.  A husband.  A father.  A leader.  A manager.  A grinder.  A reader.  A learner.

As Craig Harper states, “genetics aren’t optional but what we do with them is.”  I believe that being a life long learner is core to an inspired life.  Life is about growth and realizing our own unique potential.  Inch by Inch.  Day by Day.

I’ve arrived at mid-life.  It’s come shockingly quickly.  And perhaps it’s not a coincidence that it has come along with a better appreciation of the wonder of nature, the beauty of art and the magic of music.  This realization has come late, but it has come.  I read a passage in a book by Paul Pearsall titled “The Beethoven Factor: The New Positive Psychology of Hardiness, Happiness, Healing, and Hope” where he stated that cancer survivors who thrive (“thrivers”) dig deep to see the world and their experiences in a most human way – and you haven’t lived the day if you haven’t laughed heartily and cried freely.  I’m trying to live a similar life – and share some of these “ah-ha” moments or inspirations that make me wonder, make me laugh or bring tears to my eyes.

Why Blog?  I think Seth Godin captured my inspiration for blogging when he was asked why he blogged.  He said “if you are blogging for other people you are going to be disappointed…even if no one would read it, I would still blog…this is a great chance for me to clear my thoughts and put them into the world, what an opportunity.”

Thanks for visiting.

David Kanigan

Contact Me @ davidkanigan@gmail.com


  • I have not received any compensation for writing or sharing this content.  I do this as a hobby.
  • The opinions in this blog are my own.  And not of my employer.  And certainly not of my family (who remind me of this on an ongoing basis).
  • I have no connection to the products that are mentioned in these posts.
  • I have posted “shared” and “curated” content and have tried to offer attribution in all cases where this was possible.  If I have inadvertently posted anything which requires consent, please let me know and I will remove your work immediately.

447 thoughts on “About

    1. You are the most dedicated person I know in all you do. When the heck do you have time to blog!

      Good luck! I look forward to reading about what makes you tick.

      Best regards,


      Liked by 2 people

  1. Don’t know if you remember me, Dave, but we crossed paths at Citi. A Chicagoland colleague shared a few with me and I’m now an avid reader. Given my role at Women & Co., I am particularly enjoying your blogs relating to women and girls. You inspire all of us to keep climbing the hill! Happy holidays!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hey, David, thanks for dropping by the blog. Seems we are kindred souls, wanting to impart wisdom to those who desire a word of encouragement which is so needed in the hectic pace of life. Be well.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I love the simplicity of your blog yet the powerful and passionate message which comes through. Thanks for visiting and liking my blog. I appreciate it.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Nice. I like your visin and focus keep it up. You are inspiring me to make sure I blog and express my thoughts here!

    “Those who believe in personal accountability. Those who seek continuous improvement and improved personal productivity. Those who, like me, seek an “ah-ha” moment…or some inspiration in nature, music, art or in any other creation or achievement…or even a laugh to keep it all in perspective.”

    I am on a personal quest to really become a person of action and self improvemnt.
    Keep it up!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I agree wholeheartedly with “the secret of blogging” being about writing for yourself whether anyone else reads it or not. I’ve done the “blogging for the other guy” thing and it went unread and unnoticed. When I really started blogging for my own enjoyment, entertainment, and edification that’s when it “hit”. I think what resonates with other people is authenticity and truth. If people want something written for ‘the audience’ there are an endless number of scripts out there to be read.
    Looking forward to reading what you have to share. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Thank you for reading my blog on Linked2Leadership. It was my first attempt, so the feedback if VERY encouraging. I like your desription above as to why you blog also. Again, Thanx!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I never cease to be amazed by the individual uniqueness of each of us, and the realization that this is what makes us so uniquely common.

    Lead.Learn.Live. ?

    Sounds like subjects they should teach along with the three R’s.

    See ya’ in the blogosphere 🙂

    BJ -aka- Xmatman

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you for stopping by my blog and clicking on like. I read a few of your post and enjoyed it also. Hope you will stop by again. I will be stopping your blog in the future.


    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thank you for coming by and liking my post today. I love how you describe your self. After reading your about page I know this is a blog I could really enjoy and get a lot out of. I look forward to reading a lot from you.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you taking the time to Like on my blog Be happy with who you are… much appreciated and nice to know people read them. I like and will follow your comments too to see what I can learn …

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Thank you for reading and liking my new post. I just finished reading a lot of your work. It is very inspirational. I could not agree more, inch by inch, day by day, goal by goal. It is great that your own blogging “therapy” can also inspire so many others. Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi Dave, I am new on this and trying to improve my English by reading people like you.. what a beautiful blog you have here. Thank you for dropping by and I am going to follow your blog. have a great day.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. “I’ve come to better appreciate the wonder of nature, the beauty of art and the magic of music.”
    Agreed! If only we had educational systems and societies that enabled everyone to do these things at a young age we’d have a very different world. Glad I stumbled upon your blog – looking forward to more browsing around.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Hi David! Just had a wander through your posts and really enjoyed! Thanks fro liking a recent blog of mine, We have much in common, we both love to learn and are from the coasts of Canada. I from the east and you from the west! Looking forward to seeing more of you in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I’m with you on this! If only I could come up with this..

    I am not the greatest but learning how to take ideas and thoughts and write them down in a clear and effective manner.

    I hope that blogging will help me develop this skill.

    Thanks for doing your posts!



    Liked by 1 person

  16. Great ideas here! And thank you for liking my blog too (gallerycatsandhens). All the best with it – I, like you, would still blog even if no-one read it! For me, I find it very therapeuatic!
    here’s to blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Dear David,

    This is a phenomenal blog; a solid dose of some much-needed inspiration.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post. It’s a humbling experience, being recognized by someone as talented as you.


    Liked by 1 person

  18. I had never read that about Seth Godin blogging for self (above, in ‘About’); but that’s exactly what I was telling my daughter this afternoon when she asked me why I blog. Several years ago (2003) I started a Yahoo Group revolving around Ambient Music. It was merely a repository for cool things,links, artists, sites, etc. Then 1 person joined, then another (presumably via search engines). Today it has 140+ members, mostly ambient recording artists & net.label owners & I get most of my music at no charge (!) – but that was hardly the goal.

    Now I have several blogs: 1 for running, 1 for ambient music, 1 for leadership, 1 for Apologetics, 1 that parallels my Twitter feed & 1 I created for my kids to do homework: Homework Blogger – easy for me to track & forward to school if forgotten (heh, the “dog’ can’t eat it anymore).

    Blogging helps refine my thoughts and express myself. They’re synched with my Blackberry to that stray thoughts on the road can be “sent” to my blog and extrapolated later on or over the weekend.

    And, even if no-one ever reads them…I’ll still blog.

    ;- )

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Enjoyed this and your other words of wisdom! I am new to wordpress. After sending many on journeys around the world I took one person’s suggestion to begin to blog. As I enter the next chapter in my life this seems like a worthwhile adventure thus far.

    Thank you and Good Luck in all you do!

    allysonjoyof travel

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Hello David,
    Thanks for visiting my blog! As I was reading your “About” statement, I was resonating to the part about writing the blog even if nobody is reading it. I started out that way, and even though I knew nobody was reading it, it served the purpose of propelling me to make good on all the things I said I was going to do. It still does…but now I have an audience.


    Liked by 1 person

  21. Dave, thank you for appreciating my blog. I enjoy your philosophy and will enjoy reading about your leadership journey. I like the reflective process, and I like to know what other people think. I particularly enjoy having a different type of conversation with people I speak to day to day, out side of the blog. We communicate in a more focused way in writing. I also love hearing from people who I remember from years ago. They joys of having been around for a long while.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Hi David,

    Believe it or not, I came across your blog through Pinterest. After perusing your site, I’ve enjoyed your inspiration, quotes and insight. Thanks for your dedication and materials you’ve been able to find!

    Aurelia Ann

    Liked by 1 person

  23. This is my first time here. I just popped in to read your about page. I identify very much with the reasons you blog. Affirmation is nice, but it is not what motivates me to write. That I do to meet myself. And I literally, at least weekly, learn, remember, or recognize a part of me I did not, before I wrote it down.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. I too started blogging for me … how wonderful it is to meet like-minded people through reading theirs and them reading mine! Thanks for sharing. I just happened to wander onto your blog …

    I am reminded of an author talk I attended two nights ago (in Detroit, Michigan). Dr. Lisa Hinz wrote a book called The Expressive Therapies Continuum. She was talking about enriching your life. She would like your page, here! She (and your page) reminded me how important it is to “find your flow” slow down and to feed your seven different hungers: eye (visual stimulation), nose (scents), auditory (music), heart, mind, and finally stomach and cellular hunger. In other words, life is about (as you so eloquently wrote) seeking an “ah-ha” moment…or some inspiration in nature, music, art or in any other creation or achievement…or even a laugh to keep it all in perspective.

    Thanks for the second reminder in two days! I guess I needed it.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. David,
    I have been following your post for a couple months now and I have to tell you that it has been so validating and affirming. I look forward to every single one of your posts and hope that some day I can be as wise as you!

    Thanks for the great wisdom you share and for being such an inspiration for many of us.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Paula. I’m humbled by your kind words. As to “wise”, I’m not so sure I deserve that label – constant learner is probably closer to reality. Thank you so much for sharing. You made my day. Dave


  26. I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. It’s okay if you choose not to accept the nomination, just know that I think your blog is inspiring. If you choose to accept the award, here are the guidelines: Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post ; Share 7 things about yourself ; Nominate 15 or so bloggers you admire ; Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know. Blessings, Genie (http://geniespeaks.wordpress.com/2012/05/22/one-lovely-blog-award)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Genie. I’m humbled that you think enough of my ramblings and posts to nominate me. I’ve only been at it 6 months or so. Let’s see if I can sustain this. Appreciate it very much. Thanks again. Dave


  27. David, thank you for stopping by my blog and liking. I enjoyed the Seth Godin quote. Part of my transformation was just in that piece. Who was I blogging for? Once it became it became personal, it became real, less daunting, and more humbling.

    Take care,


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Ivon. Yes. This was the same experience for me. That once you remove your ego from the process and focus on what inspires or impacts you, it becomes a real awakening and (as you say it) a most humbling experience. It has all been an eye-opener for me.


  28. David – seriously thanks for the inspiration. I love what you post – your own writing and your ability to post the best from other sources. Today I nominated you for the very inspiring blogger award. Maybe others have done the same – you deserve it.
    – Michael

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Hello!! I am enjoying discovering your thoughts and agree on the issue of audience and who you write for. To be authentic you must write of things you feel and care about or want to learn. I guess then the audience finds you. When I used to keep a journal before there was such a thing as blogging, that was an issue I contemplated quite a bit. Do I write as a catharsis only for me, do I write for whatever offspring might be tempted to pick up such a volume and curiously read after my demise, am I warming up for a book? What? I do love getting perspective from others though as it fills up life much more positively than the news.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Thanks for following my blog, David. I love what you wrote in your About page. You seem like a man of integrity, someone with pure intentions. You have a great positive energy and I look forward to reading more.
    just a little sidebar… My son in-law is from Victoria BC. It’s beautiful there. I actually think I may end up moving there so that I could be closer to my daughter.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi. Thank you for your kind words. My brother lives just north of Victoria in Comox. Victoria and Vancouver Island are wonderful – a paradise. You’d be blessed to be able to live there. Hope it all works out for you. Thanks for dropping by.


    1. Smiling. Thank you Anake. Unnecessary but nonetheless appreciated. As I stated previously, your blog posts start my day each morning. I appreciate our virtual friendship. Happy Holidays my friend. And as you say, Namaste. Dave


  31. Yeah, life…the big learning curve. So curved you often end up going around the bend trying to figure it out right?
    AD in Paradise suggested I pop over for a read at your spot.
    I’m glad I did.


  32. Great blog. Found you via bodhisattvaintraining. Love the Canadian maple leaf. Miss living in Toronto. Now in sunny northern California. Can’t complain about the weather, really. See you in the blogosphere!

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Thank you for stopping by my blog, and for the follow. You have a fun and interesting blog here, I’m looking forward to looking around to see what I’ve missed.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Hi David – as I was reading your “about me”, I kept nodding my head, saying “ditto, ditto, ditto…” all along. I’ve loved my blog which I started just a year ago. I am also a life-long learner (one of my 5 core values – see Authentichappiness.org, VIAT survey of character strengths, a great assessment tool). I use my personal journal to get clear on issues in my life and my head. My blog is dedicated to Beauty in whatever shape and form it presents itself to me.

    Liked by 2 people

  35. David-Thank you so much for liking my poem “The Sigh of the Eternal Glade”. I am so honored by your acknowledgement and the time you spent on reading my work. Life is precious and I am grateful for even the minutes you connected your world with mine. I love your site and your story! Blessings to you and yours. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Hello – I wanted to duck on over and have a look around after I saw you’d taken the time to visit Unload and Unwind – you have a great idea going here I look forward to seeing your posts in the future. Jenni

    Liked by 1 person

  37. “I’ve arrived at mid-life. It’s come shockingly quickly.”

    Honestly, for me: It has taken forever. But now that it’s here, I want the rest of the progression to slow the hell down.

    Thank you for visiting my site.
    Your time is appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. Hello David,

    I happen to find your blog today and very happy I did! I’m really enjoying reading some of your previous posts. Then I said to myself, “Who is this guy”? So now I just read your About Me page and her I am! Seth may be a comedian, but he is a smart one,…….I blog for myself, from my heart, and like my current published book, “Addicted To Dimes,” my life now is an open book for all the world to read! As I write, blog, and author more books, I try to help, and share HOPE to others along the way of my Life & Recovery Journey……

    I’m a new fan and now following 🙂
    God Bless,
    Author, Cat Lyon 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Awe, …Thanks much David for the Shout-Out!
        It really has been an amazing journey since the book released a while back. And it also takes a lot of promoting to get it into the hands of those who can benefit from my story…..

        Thanks again & Hugs!
        Catherine 🙂 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Tony. Thanks for stopping by. I loved “pockets” of The Beethoven Factor (but not all). And those morsels have certainly stuck with me, and not sure that you can ask for much more. Have a great weekend. Dave


  39. Nice to meet you, David! Yes, I agree with you–we are “lifelong learners” …if we are open to it and what wonders we find! Blogging has opened up to me an entirely new world and I feel so enriched by the words and wisdom of those I read! We are blessed, for sure, when I think of all those who do not have access to computers. I heard the other day that Americans are the “loneliest people on Earth.” I think it is true–Wordpress saved me from my isolation. It is sad the inequality that exists across the world…we have so much material wealth–but we miss the intimacy of one another with the technological world at our fingertips. Yet, I am grateful for it. Thank you for your recent visit to my blog. Blessings to you and your family!

    Liked by 1 person

  40. Wow,this is a beautifully designed site. And so well written too. I look very much forward to reading even more great articles on your site. Warmest regards, adam

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Hi David, I find very interesting to see that blogging is a chance for you to clear your thoughts and put them into the world, and it is as you said a great opportunity. I’ve recently started to blog as well and I agree with you on this point. but I feel it is a starting point. What interests me as well is how these thoughts and ideas written here become part of a greater interaction with others. I find that interaction and exchange something that I would like to explore as well as sharing with others their views on this matter.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Adrian. When I started this venture and wrote my About page, I had no idea about the “interaction” you mention. The community and the friendships that I was acquire. I find that this aspect of blogging is by far and away the most satisfying and rewarding part of blogging. I’m with you. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  42. Hello again Dave…

    I just wanted to catch up and say “thank you. I appreciate your ‘follow’, knowing how many interesting and entertaining blogs out there.

    Blogging since June 2013, my aim is to deliver an eclectic offering of posts, from my ‘point n shoot’ attempts at basic photography, to the sharing of my travel adventures over the decades, as well as day to day happenings here on our fruit farm in southern Turkey. I also add my observations on life and lighter-hearted stuff thrown in for good measure.

    The blog has grown to some 1150 posts now; so if you are at a loose end one day, you’d be most welcomed to stay a while and have a trawl through. There are plenty of drop-down categories within the menu to help in said digging process. Saying that, if you have any comments, suggestions or concerns, feel free to let me know.

    Thanks again and hope you have a great day…


    Liked by 2 people

  43. I loved your story and then I read about you and loved your blog even more. I loved your comment about why you blog. After a frustrating year of trying to find an agent for my memoir, I started blogging and have rediscovered the joy of writing. When I blog, I can write for me rather than editing to appease an agent. I continue to revise to appease agents but I much prefer blogging. Thank you for putting a little sunshine into my day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Carol. So glad that I could bring a little sunshine into your day. I don’t even begin to aspire to your level (writing a book/memoir), so I applaud your efforts to write for the joy of it…and as they say, a journey starts with a single step, and you are on your way…


  44. Wonderful words, sir! I started my first blog about 12 years because I’d just started a grand adventure of quitting a great job, picking up everything, and moving to San Francisco. I thought it would take 6 months. Instead, I was pulling up in front of my first apartment in just under 6 weeks. I was so full of fascination and excitement that I didn’t want to forget a single moment. I connected the blog to a flickr account as that seemed a great combination. As I became more involved in putting my words online vs paper [though paper is still very close to my heart], I really began to see that I write to learn what I already know.

    My postings were quite sparse for a few years, but after getting hit by a car about 20 months ago, resulting in 2 TBIs and what looks to be a permanent relationship with epilepsy, I found I needed an outlet. After the 2nd TBI, I went through several months of barely being able to find my words or walk. Two harsh blows to a writer who was formerly very physically active. Most importantly, especially after the second TBI, I woke up in the ICU with a profound understanding that I was no longer the person I once was; my brain was a new one, moreso, I could feel I’d lost memories. It’s a strange almost itchiness that I cannot quite articulate…yet. There were many parts of my old brain there, but the new brain was most definitely new.

    Occupational and physical rehab take a long time to acquire when you are on government funded insurance, so I started it on my own as I’ve been a person action from a very young age and the best way that I could think to begin rebuilding my fine motor skills [I couldn’t even hold a pen at first], rebuild my vocabulary, and get my new and old brain to become best buddies was to write. And write. And write. But I really began by taking my new bifurcated brain on a stroll through both my blog and my flickr account. The result? My old brain did a great deal of, “Oh, hey! YEAH!! I DO remember that!” as though doors were being unlocked. My new brain was all, “I could most DEFINITELY hang with this chick, she’s flipping awesome.”

    I still toggle between the two and try to mesh them into a single unit and some days it’s like being an adult toddler and more than a little frustrating, but mostly it’s new eyes and a lot of wonder.

    I know there was a great deal of “me” in this post, but only because I think that there can be a great deal more than the perception of simple navel gazing that goes into blogging. It really does have the potential to change lives. To my mind, whether that be our own life or if it serves as inspiration to /sparks conversation with or amongst others makes no difference. It’s the willingness to articulate being brave and vulnerable in the face of life that makes the difference.

    Kindest regards, fellow bloggers, writers, and active participants of life!

    Liked by 1 person

  45. Hello David. I am a cancer survivor/thriver and it is a most intriguing daily journey. Evidently your blogging for yourself is organically reaching out and touching many. Terrific!

    Liked by 2 people

  46. Thanks for sharing Naomi’s work especially today. Her soft touch comes with her and through her writing. It was a great joy to meet her this summer at Fishtrap. I was humbled when she paid attention to my work and encouraged beyond belief.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Ann. Thank you. Naomi’s does have a soft touch and grace with her words. It would be wonderful to have the opportunity to meet her – sounds like you had an opportunity of a lifetime. Thanks for sharing your experience.


  47. Thank you for your recent visits to my blog! I thought I should come and learn about you…I agree with your thoughts on life, especially, “…you haven’t lived the day if you haven’t laughed heartily and cried freely. I’m trying to live a similar life –”……..my sentiments exactly! My grandchildren are with me more these days–and what a BLESSING for us all in this home! I really focus on being present to them when they return from their school day. We have implemented the “Twelve Hug Day”—I see how precious these moments in time are with these wonderful children. Your ABOUT seemed to emphasize the need for presence! Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Blessings to you, David!

    Liked by 1 person

  48. Inspiring blog and thanks for sharing, even though that’s not the reason why you are blogging! I also decided to write a blog for myself, to clear my thoughts, to put them out. Indeed, I know I am writing letters to silence, to somebody will never read them, but I do it for myself.

    Liked by 2 people

  49. Hello, David! Just clicking around the blogosphere and commenting on blogs that I think are fun and interesting, and you’re one of them. October is my birthday month, so consider this an invitation to my month-long birthday party. Hope to see you over at That’s So Jacob sometime! Ciao for now!

    Liked by 2 people

  50. “if you are blogging for other people you are going to be disappointed…even if no one would read it, I would still blog…this is a great chance for me to clear my thoughts and put them into the world, what an opportunity.”
    sums it up for me too 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  51. Just stumbled into your blog. So glad I did. I, like you (and Seth), have grown to love blogging because it provides a means of getting my thoughts out there, connecting, and sharing.

    Looking forward to following.

    Liked by 2 people

  52. Hi! I am Ann from Japan but I am Korean (Well… I am earth people ;-))
    I was searching some image for our Co-happy COHA project.
    and I found your blog. I feel you are so pure and good will person.
    I was really enjoy your blog. So I would like to say thank you!!
    Have a fabulous day!! David.

    Liked by 2 people

  53. Hi, David – enclosing a link to a blog post I thought might be uplifting during this week (weeks!) of crazy news. “Fortunately, life offers us countless opportunities to practice spiritual alignment.”

    honor system

    Take good care.

    Liked by 2 people

  54. I can’t believe that I’ve never (up to now) read about the YOU…. but wondered often since I’ve discovered you!
    Well, I can only say: Dave, I’d employ you in a heartbeat, the blink of an eye – we look in the same direction. Thank You for this. Stuff like yours is, for me, very creative, very active in non-paid domaines, very open and inward thinking too, it is MANNA for the heart, soul, mind and JOY for them too. Merci de tout coeur, vielen herzlichen Dank, grazie tanto etc….

    Liked by 2 people

  55. Sorry, I really should finish my thoughts first before hitting SEND…. It also explains the Canadian maple leaf which is SO ATTRACTIVE and utterly beautiful. The best thing I took with me from my 2yr stay in Canada (amongst a bunch of friends) was the Canadian falls which we call autumns…. LOVED them.
    I guess that I would have been attracted to your blog even if you’d write rubbish… 😉 No, strike that out! Because you are, your writing, I hasten to add, is as attractive as the icon.

    Liked by 2 people

  56. I ‘re-found’ you ABOUT section again today because of a comment someone left. It’s refreshing to read about you again. Thanks for your continuing blog and the awesome information you post. It’s simple, amazing, beautiful, inspiring … all that we need in today’s American reality!! Hugs and many thanks …. __/l\__ … Peace!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ahhhhh Horty. You made my Day! Thanks so much for your kindness and friendship. We have such a wonderful community here on WordPress, this sanctuary so needed today from the rest of the madness. And I feel I get so much more from you and my friends than a give. I am grateful, for you. Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are most welcome. My words a totally truthful! You brighten up my day … early morning, as I wake up I find always something to smile about and I always learn something new. That’s priceless …. hugs!! ❤ ..

        Liked by 1 person

  57. First time on your site, enjoyed the read. Mid life does come quickly, wait until you try 70’s, it’s kind of a shock. I am only two years into it and already notice some physical difference. My daughter sent me a picture the other day of me holding a kitten. I have a good and bad side to my face, one side has a scar which as caused it to drop earlier then the other side. I make jokes about and know exactly why after I see the picture with the dropped side showing. Thanks God my inside is not aging as badly as my outside which is good reason to write. Like you, I write for me, its a release of words I want to share all the time. It’s a place to learn about myself more then others. But I do like to learn about why others blog so I surf the blog world which is how I came up on you. I will be back.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Betty. Thank you for sharing. 50 was a shock for me. 60 is banging in the back door.. Your thoughts remind me of:

      “It’s funny how when you were a kid, a day could last forever. Then you grow up, and all these years just seemed like a blink.”

      Bobby Garfield, Hearts in Atlantis is a 2001 film based on the Stephen King novella, “Low Men in Yellow Coats” in his story collection Hearts in Atlantis.

      Thank you for stopping by…


  58. I’m here for the 2nd time. Can’t believe I once read about the ‘you’ and forgot what you do in your daily life. But I never cease to wonder HOW you do it all! A life long learner! I like that and consider myself an eternal scholar. I never was a CEO and never ‘managed’ more than what I was entrusted with. I did work for many CEO’s however and I learned invaluable lessons, both positive ones and also on How Not To.
    In the first week of this year I’ve been asked by two virtual friends why on earth I didn’t have my own blog. And I have the very same arguments as you have for writing one… I found that interesting. I’m writing for myself but don’t have the need to share it with the world and its daughters and sons. The few blogs I follow however more or less, I always feel it only right to comment to. Just hitting a ‘like’ is so lazy. I would be insulted to have a million likes and no feedbacks. I want the discussion, the brain-storming, an exchange. I did that with my photo blog on Flickr – long, long dormant and ‘still born’ in more than one ways. I culled contacts by the dozens because the only added a ‘fave’ …. and I wouldn’t have the time to do my own posts AND reply to my friends.
    You are probably my most liked writer. The ‘kidding’ apart you make me sit up, smile, ponder, read, feast on your content and I want to thank you again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kiki, I’m reading your comment after a long day and week. And you never fail to inspire, make me smile or sit up and be grateful. I don’t know how you found me, but I’m so grateful. Thank you Kiki. Thank you for sharing your kind thoughts and for your friendship. I appreciate you. Dave

      Liked by 1 person

  59. Hey Dave; I just explained to my ‚daughter of choice‘ (another great story of my life) that you are the only male blogger I have a serious interest in. I translated to her your curriculum and with tears in my eyes I told her that you are one of the very few guys I find both highly interesting, intelligent and sometimes maddening. (Not really!) So, the moment has come once more to thank you here for having a blog, for unfailingly perusing interesting thoughts (and telling tales of rambo-zambo-wally darling), for finding the time (how‘s that even possible?) to reply to comments, or in short: For simply being a part of my life. Thank you! Kiki

    Liked by 1 person

  60. Hey Dave; I just explained to my ‚daughter of choice‘ (another great story of my life) that you are the only male blogger I have a serious interest in. I translated to her your curriculum and with tears in my eyes I told her that you are one of the very few guys I find both highly interesting, intelligent and sometimes maddening. (Not really!) So, the moment has come once more to thank you here for having a blog, for unfailingly perusing interesting thoughts (and telling tales of rambo-zambo-wally darling), for finding the time (how‘s that even possible?) to reply to comments, or in short: For simply being a part of my life. Thank you! Kiki

    Liked by 1 person

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