And, it’s that time again. Thank God for that…

We can breathe easy, all is ok with the World. George & Gracie are back. See more photos of the Swans here and the morning’s walk here.

Walking. And, for a moment, all is right with the world…

6:54 am. Weather app says 33° F. There’s no damn way it’s 33°. I shiver.

And, I walk.

1,347 consecutive (almost) days at Cove Island Park. Like in a row.

Our Swan family sleeps peacefully out in open water, a rare sight. The youngster is now fully grown, making it difficult to sort out who’s who.

I stand watching them, the pulse slows, this calm in the shadow of bombs dropping in Kyiv, in Gaza and in Yemen. And the warming planet offering a respite for the swans who don’t need to migrate south to find unfrozen bodies of water.

Non sequitur. Up and in flashes a segment of a CBS Sunday Morning interview with Jelly Roll, not the donut kind, but the rapper and singer. It’s a worthy segment, I urge you all to watch.

Jelly says “I have a very dark hallway between my ears.”

I look out at the swans.

Peace. And War.

War & Peace.


  • Photo above taken at 6:54 am this morning. For more pictures from this morning’s walk, and yet another incredible light show here, here, and here
  • Related posts tied to the Swan family here.

6 geese a laying, 4 swans-a-?

6 geese-a-laying, 4 swans-a-flying. And one was our little cygnet all grown up and soaring.

Had I not been standing there, I would have bet background was A.I. generated – no A.I. this morning. Nature’s Magic. Sept 3, 2023. 6:49 a.m. 66° F. Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT.

More photos from this morning’s walk here including Sunrise & Wally on morning walk.

Sunday Morning

This morning’s pictures of Cygnet with Mom & Dad here. Daybreak photos here.

And, they’re back!

Cygnet. 6 am, June 27, 2023.  See more photos of the Cygnet and Mom & Dad here.