Basic. Simple. Logic. And Wrong.

LA Dodgers, San Diego Padres, Baseball

Let’s fire up the brain neurons this morning.  Try the following simple puzzle:

  • A bat and ball cost $1.10.
  • The bat costs one dollar more than the ball.
  • How much does the ball cost?

More than 50% of Harvard, MIT and Princeton students gave the incorrect answers.  (Noted that Dad, Mom, Rachel were wrong.  Eric nailed it.  Mom blamed Dad for asking the question poorly which led to a argument.  Mom claiming this is additional evidence that Dad has a mumbling problem.  TMI.)

Go to Steve Layman’s Blog at Simple Questions. Wrong Answers. and he’ll point you to the answer.

Sources: Thank you Steve Layman for sharing puzzle. Thank you Mme Scherzo for sharing the image of three-year-old actor Christian Haupt throwing out the ceremonial first pitch prior to the Los Angeles Dodgers’ baseball game against the San Diego Padres, on September 4, 2012.