Monday Morning Wake-Up Call: It IS that time…

American Kestrel,bird,photography

The American Kestrel also known as the Sparrow Hawk, is a small falcon. It is the most common falcon in North America, and is found in a wide variety of habitats. At 19–21 cm (7–8 in) long, it is also the smallest falcon in North America.  The falcon hunts by hovering in the air with rapid wing beats or perching and scanning the ground for prey. Its diet typically consists of grasshoppers, lizards, mice, and other small birds. It nests in cavities in trees, cliffs, buildings, and other structures. The female lays three to seven eggs, which both sexes help to incubate. It is a common bird to be used in falconry, especially by beginners. (Source: Wiki)

Image Source: Thank you Dan @ Your Eyes Blaze Out