As it should be…

Steve Carell, funny, laugh, true, parents, children,kids,call home, Mom, Dad

My daughter Rachel’s response when I shared this with her: “hahahahhahahahahahhaa so so true!!!!”


Yup. Nailed it.

chart - Where's mom - funny - humor

Source: Thank you madamescherzo via tastefullyoffensive

Guest Post: Squirm. Splash. Sink.

After reading Friday’s post (The King loses (again)…), Eric (18, son) was inspired to share a family vacation story.  The fact that he read my post was a head-scratcher…so best to nurture this sudden interest in both reading and writing.  I should disclose upfront, that I fail to see any humor in this story – and I say “story” as I don’t recall this version of the events.  Here it is…unedited and unplugged.  (And yes, the photo is an actual photo of me during the scuba lesson.)


By Eric Kanigan

Anyone who knows my Dad personally can attest to the enjoyment he gets out of poking fun at others, to phrase it nicely (in reality it’s usually a firm jab rather than a poke). For those that do not know him, just imagine a person who loves to relive the details of your painfully embarrassing moments months, sometimes years after they occur. Throw in a mustache to your mental image and presto! You have David Kanigan!

It only seems fitting to return the favor, so it’s time for a trip down memory lane.

Continue reading “Guest Post: Squirm. Splash. Sink.”