Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

And if, as we work, we can transmit life into our work,

life, still more life, rushes into us to compensate, to be ready

and we ripple with life through the days.

D. H. Lawrence from “We are Transmitters” in The Complete Poems of D.H. Lawrence

Notes: Poem, thank you Beth @ Alive on all Channels. Photo: Mikael Aldo

I should feel the air move against me


I should feel the air move against me,
and feel the things I touched,
instead of having only to look at them.
I’m sure life is all wrong
because it has become too visual –
we can neither hear nor feel nor understand,
we can only see.
I’m sure that is entirely wrong.

— D. H. Lawrence, Women in Love

Credits: Portrait – Neil Donovan via eikadan. Quote/Poem – Whiskey River