Sunday Morning

A clear blue sky was hard to take. Marek saw it as emptiness, a place with no heaven in it. He preferred the clouds because he could imagine paradise behind them. He could stare up and focus his eyes on shapes in the clouds, wonder if that was God’s face or God’s hand making an impression, or if God was spying down at him through the gauzy mist. Maybe, maybe.

Ottessa Moshfegh, Lapvona (Penguin Press, June 21, 2022)

DK Photo @ Daybreak. 5:12 am, July 16, 2022. 65° F. Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT.  More photos from yesterday here.

18 thoughts on “Sunday Morning

  1. I find clouds in the sky supremely more interesting than a blue clear sky…. I also like the possibility of directing my own thoughts towards those towers of clouds and giving them a story. And I always loved the word ‚murky‘ – which is the word that jumped at me viewing this photo…. It‘s so full of meaning and so hard to translate in other languages (which leads to my ‚hated‘ gobble of multi-languages which gives off the impression that I‘m either dumb, full of myself, a scatterbrain or just slightly crazy).
    And I‘m writing this from a terrace high up over Lake Thun in beautiful Switzerland where HH and I enjoy a few days of respite. Arrived yesterday eve, having breakfast on the table and a large brunch-ship cruising right up to the pier we (yesterday) decided we‘re to take today on our first day….. it didn‘t happen and it doesn‘t matter – the sky is too blue anyway! And there will be other days 🙂
    Happy Sunday to all of you. You‘re a lovely bunch to know.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. It’s Lake Thun. Had to check if it was a slip of my fingers…. 😉 Enjoy this:
        It IS heaven – albeit too hot for me, but that’s the same everywhere right now. Towards late pm we’ll board a ship taking us across the lake for a good hour’s walk along the shore. Then it will be a pleasant wait with a cold drink for a ship to take us back to ‘our’ side of the lake and there, depending on our hunger pangs, disposition or nothing at all, it will be a meal or a bus back to our village where we hang out for 4 nights. Life IS good. Why wait? Pay later (with extra work and worries put on hold)

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Kiki’s vista sounds perfect as I walk outside to a damp and muggy and murky morning where neither cloud nor blue are making themselves available just yet. i have been circling this book with hesitation despite liking the author’s first book; put off repeatedly by the cover of the book (and I know you can’t tell a book by its cover…). I may just have to give it a go and maneuver through whatever murk is getting it in my way.

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    1. Mimi, I understand. I had the same reaction looking at the book cover. And sometimes I had books I truly enjoyed even their cover was appalling and others spoke to me with their covers and the content didn’t go along.

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