Walking. When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber.

I’m thumbing through Instagram yesterday, and be damned if that photo doesn’t come across my feed.  Location? Cove Island Park!

711 days. 711 almost consecutive daybreak walks at Cove Island Park.  Like in a row. And not one, not one, single Eagle sighting.

And if that’s not bad enough, George, 50% of my Swan duo, is posing behind the Baby Eagle, as if to say, wake up idiot. WTH.

I send the photographer (Pituco1501) a note: “Wow. Great shot. I was there this morning and thought I saw an eagle, but then said nah, can’t be.”

I had punched out a text to Susan & Eric seconds after what I thought was an eagle: “Swear I saw an Eagle, but missed the shot!”

Eric replies: “B.S. Dad. It was a pigeon.”

Nice. And this coming from my offspring.

Instagram Photographer replies:  “Thank you so much!!! I know it’s hard to see them. Be patient sooner or later you will!! 🦅🦅”

Nice touch with the Eagle emojis. If I can’t see them live, maybe I can roll around in emojis.

Be patient. Sooner or later you will. 🦅🦅

711 days, and counting.

My God, like when?


39 thoughts on “Walking. When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber.

  1. Now you officially killed me! Reading your post I thought: what the dickens is he talking about? And then I continued reading….. and laughed. I honestly thought you were constructing an elaborate Easter story! 🐣
    I DO like a man who is not afraid to offer himself to the ridicule ❤
    Bravo and thank you for this amazing post!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey; it seems it WAS an eagle – this is getting better by the minute!
        I did view the other two photos; and I think he wasn’t joking – YOUR eagle is waiting out there for you. Mind you, it’s a young one, you might only see him in another 700 days or so when he’s no longer a baby….

        Liked by 1 person

          1. now, this is getting out of hand! I never said I knew the first thing about birds and ornithology but this is getting too far…. the photographer wrote about a young eagle, and bald it was! Now yours is just (only?!) an osprey – hey, that’s not nothing – we get sparrows and crows!!!!

            Liked by 1 person

  2. I saw a Bald Eagle in one of our pine trees about a year ago, but that is it. Incredible creature. Do see hawks on a regular basis. Majestic. Hope you find your 🦅 soon. Happy Easter to you and Susan, pal!

    Liked by 2 people

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