Lightly Child, Lightly.

Cheryl Strayed, Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar


  • Quote Source: WeltenWellen
  • Post Title & Inspiration: Aldous Huxley: “It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.”

14 thoughts on “Lightly Child, Lightly.

  1. We’re all in this xxxx (fill in the blanks) together, Dear David! Your excerpt takes me to your inspiration from the amazing Aldous Huxley, “It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.” [Think of it: he began to go blind while he was in college, and went on to write and publish many, many brilliant satiric and prophetic novels.]

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