It’s been a long winter…

Hanover Bald Eagle Live Cams (Via Your Eyes Your Blaze Out)

30 thoughts on “It’s been a long winter…

        1. Ha. Love that imagery. There you go again. Working magic with Words. Forever ♾ n your Words.

          “I’m in words, made of words, others’ words, what others, the place too, the air, the walls, the floor, the ceiling, all words, the whole world is here with me, I’m the air, the walls, the walled-in one, everything yields, opens, ebbs, flows, like flakes, I’m all these flakes, meeting, mingling, falling asunder, wherever I go I find me, leave me, go towards me, come from me, nothing ever but me, a particle of me, retrieved, lost, gone astray…”

          Samuel Beckett, The Unnamable

          Liked by 3 people

  1. I love how indomitable this bird is, shrugging off the burden of cold as if it were ready *now* for Spring. Thank you. As a bird lover, this is just what is needed for *any* burden we might feel. Move over, groundhog!

    Liked by 1 person

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