Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

—  Mary Oliver, from “Consequences”, Dream Work


  • Quote Source: WeltenWellen.
  • Photo: DK, Daybreak. 6:36 am Jan 29, 2021. 13° F, feels like minus 4° F, wind gusts up to 38 mph. Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT.

22 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

  1. David. Thank you, yet again, for helping me – helping all your readers – with the reminder that we each have our own inner strengths, and that now is a good time to draw on them.
    My husband and I are both 74. We are both mostly healthy, but we each have some rather scary underlying physical issues. Tom copes with the plague by practicing his drums, learning to play the piano (we have 4) and studying philosophy, environmental issues and human interaction. I cope by driving the half-hour to my studio every day, listening to “Jazz 24” via the Internet, and putting in as many hours of undisturbed work as possible. Then we spend what are increasingly treasured evenings together sharing our days, laughing, texting our kids, making music and enjoying the life we have in Maine.
    Without our commitments – Tom to his studies, me to my art, and both of us to each other – I cannot imagine how we would cope with the increasingly frightening situation we are all in.
    It sounds as if you are struggling with this blessed daily post you gift us with. Please know that we understand and honor your commitment to us with your quotes and your own words and photos. Please know how much your work is appreciated.
    Be safe. Stay well.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Nan, thank you for sharing. And I’m sorry to hear about the “underlying issues.” And I cherish your kind words and thoughts. You mean something very important to me. Dave


  2. and now, what a perfect ‘Monday Morning’ beginning (although it’s already past 4pm here!) Mary O. can’t do any wrong for me…. would have preferred though her quoting J.S.Bach – I’m sure he must have been up most nights too with his many kids and the mountain of composing orders he always had….

    Liked by 1 person

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