Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

Outside I could hear a spring robin, a melancholy sound more searching than song to me.

~ Jessica Francis Kane, Rules for Visiting 

Photo: Robin singing

16 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

  1. Hija Dave; we are at our new abode and the awakening has so far been that: Singing of birds in the shrubs and trees….. not melancholic though, JOYFUL, greeting the springtime weather, be it justified or not – wonderful….. and quiet nights, no more nightmares, just nearly unsurmountable amounts of boxes, cases, stuff….. but hey, by the end of March most of them should be emptied (but where to?!) 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I didn’t recognize this bird as a robin, but after searching a few bird ID sites I found out that it’s a European robin. We’re used to seeing the American robin around here. Pretty bird.
    And a very good morning to you. The Am. robins have arrived here, singing about spring.


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