Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

There is no trace where we were.

No arrows pointing to the place we’re headed.

We are the trackless beat, the invisible light, the thought without a word to speak.

Poured water, struck match.

Before the nothing, we are the moment.

Louise ErdrichThe Bingo Palace: A Novel

Notes: Quote source – Thank you Whiskey River. Photo found @ Match

36 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

    1. Happy Birthday Beth – well, trust David to keep track of even the birthdays of his groupies 😉
      (Hope Sawsan isn’t reading this, she pointed out that she wasn’t a groupie – and eeermh, we aren’t either, we just like him very much)
      LONG MAY YOU REIGN with your wit, sharp eye and Mastery of words & pics.

      That flash in the pan just proves my point!

      Liked by 3 people

          1. LAUGHING…
            Like I said before, I’m his worst nightmare and will continue to be, until death do us part on this one!

            Love you more, Kiki 😍

            Liked by 2 people

          2. The Swiss are neutral, yet influential!

            I hold DK with all things sacred to me. A blessing, for what he stands for, how he does it, and the light he shines. But I’ll make sure no one takes my spot as his worst nightmare!

            Liked by 2 people

  1. What strikes (no pun intended) me most, is the title of the novel: The Bingo Palace…. I expected some ‘deep and grounding’ prose here!
    Great example – seeing myself as just a match (made in heaven?! 😉 maybe?) or a flash in the pan as Beth said…..

    Liked by 1 person

  2. just returned from my prolonged trip back to France (they strike all the time but when they don’t, they just diminish the speed of the high-speed-ha-ha-ha-train to that of a bicycle for 15 minutes) and find your geyser of comments to comments made to comments of comments…… You amuse me greatly my friend! As for being ‘neutral’; isn’t it great to be Swiss? We don’t EVAAAR have to justify a decision because we can just claim to be neutral. I’m however one thing NOT. Passive-aggressive – I don’t even know how I could be that 😉
    Lots of laughter here! Ta
    And to you Sawsan too – take note!

    Liked by 1 person

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