Saturday Morning (Low of 19° F)

Photo: (via Your Eyes Blaze Out)

40 thoughts on “Saturday Morning (Low of 19° F)

  1. Just left this scene in our bedroom. Only difference? The mercury reads 66 here. Beau does not care. He sees an opportunity to snuggle with someone, he’s taking it. Hubby is snoring, Beau is burrowing and all is right with the world. 😉

    Liked by 3 people

        1. Pending. This afternoon.

          Cold as it was in my room in the attic, I felt there was nothing to be gained by getting out of bed. Enough of the world could be explored by simply sticking my arm out from under the covers. I lay on my cot, dreaming and thinking for hours.

          Ottessa Moshfegh, Eileen: A Novel (Penguin Books, August 18, 2015) 

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          1. How do you do that? With a frozen brain in your bed…. it’s beyond me! We can’t complain, although I’m not familiar with Fahrenheit, it doesn’t sound too good – here in Switzerland (presently) it’s around 8°C and it’s quickly getting dark. Out for a concert in a moment….. So no question of snuggling anywhere!
            LOVE the pic…..

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