Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

“So, what are you going to do with the rest of your life?”

I’d never heard that question before, hovering close to cliché and thumping me with its gravity at the same time…

“What do you think of the moment before you sleep?”…

“Why don’t you tell me about a dream?”…

“The dream is asking you the same question as I am, because it’s the only question . . .”

~ A. K. Benjamin, from his new book titled Let Me Not Be Mad: My Story of Unraveling Mind (Dutton, June 11, 2019)

Photo: (via poppins-me)

10 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

  1. That was yesterday and I prepared my thoughts TWICE. It never happened, no internet connection. Then, I took my hi-speed-train to Paris and in the eve I got a call from HH, saying that ‘our provider’ (next door neighbour) had moved and thus it explained our non-connection…..

    I was going to say something about ‘How about the rest of this day, instead of the rest of life, etc’ – and now it has changed once more!

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  2. “What do you think of the moment before you sleep?” After I say my prayer…I usually listen to the radio…lately though I just want to sleep and am so surprised that I wake up in the morning…none of us knows what the next breath will bring…a visit from a hummingbird, a sweet text, the smile of one of those redheaded freckled sisters, an I love you from the hubs, a happy birthday from a friend, a nuzzle from the dog,one of the cats talking to me, hanging out in the lush garden, one of those numerous blood draw, the vision to watch the group of turkey vultures overhead, the cool breeze lofting off the Aspen tree, the daughter asleep with her orange tabby curled up next to her, a pat on the hand from the sweet lady who checks us out at the grocery store, even being stuck in traffic since that means I am with loved ones and I can close my eyes while being warmed by the heated seat, etc…each breath…a Gift…

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  3. Thanks…I certainly not a self centered person though it might seem that while reading my first person response. I am kind, thoughtful and smile at others and help others when I am able…

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