Saturday Morning

The Saturday morning meadowlark
came in from high up
with her song gliding into tall grass
still singing. How I’d like
to glide around singing in the summer
then to go south to where I already was
and find fields full of meadowlarks
in winter. But when walking my dog
I want four legs to keep up with her
as she thunders down the hill at top speed
then belly flops into the deep pond.
Lark or dog I crave the impossible.
I’m just human. All too human.

~ Jim Harrison, from “Solstice Litany” in Dead Man’s Float

Notes: Poem Source – Thank you Hammock Papers. Photo: Pixabay

18 thoughts on “Saturday Morning

  1. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    ‘The Saturday morning meadowlark, came in from high up, with her song gliding into tall grass, still singing … ‘ There’s more!! … Jim Harrison, from “Solstice Litany” in Dead Man’s Float.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. such beauty; although I had to read it twice before understanding – I guess the Pastis was a bit strong (and being up with practically no sleep due to the tremendous heat and mountains to wash and hang up since 8am)…..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. There was one episode of Parts Unknown, Anthony Bourdain I had skipped, the Montana Episode. Because, what could there possibly be in Montana? Yes, I’m ignorant! It was great to see Jim Harrison and Bourdain.

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    1. Montana is so gorgeous! “A River Runs Through It” takes place there and when I drove through, I was taken immediately to the movie and the fly fishing and the moments shared between the men. The peace they usually found when standing in the river…

      Skip an episode? Whyever would you do that? 😉

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I didn’t see the movie. But I keep coming across parts from the book and I love it.

        About the episode, I was thinking there’s nothing I could be missing food wise! Would love to drive through parts of it though.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh, you must find a way to see it. Plus Robert Redford narrates – and he could read me the phone book and I’d listen…

          Definitely worth a drive. Couldn’t say about the food…I don’t remember stopping anywhere! But if Bourdain went, then for shizzle there is something 😉

          Liked by 2 people

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