It’s been a long day

I remembered the fearless, confident boy I used to be back then…I didn’t miss him. I only, sometimes, missed the high spirits that often used to seize me when I was ten. Would there ever be an event in my life that would catapult me back into that ecstatic, silly lightheartedness, even if only for a moment?

~ Benedict Wells, The End of Loneliness: A Novel (Penguin Books, January 29, 2019)


30 thoughts on “It’s been a long day

  1. Yes…funny, I tried playing jacks the other day – epic fail and epic fun. You have to pull the sillies out and play – and if you can’t do it on our own, find someone who will give you permission. Then have at it…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Purees, cat’s eyes, steelies, boulders, shooters are just of a few of the names of marbles I remember. I kept the best in my pocket for a quick game in the dirt after school, or in a small cloth bag that I kept in the top drawer of my bedroom dresser.

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  3. I see the fun (and pun) of the expression ‘losing one’s marbles’ AND the word silliness jumped to my mind when I saw ‘silly lightheartedness’…..
    And I remember that very same position of small children, boys and girls, on the ground and grass, holding and snipping marbles just like that little boy. It was seemingly forever sunny and we had great times just ‘being’ – slightly dirty, socks pulled down, grass patches on our knees, chasing after marbles – I had a great collection of ‘tigres and others’ – marbles I kept in large, empty matchbox boxes !

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