

  • Photo: Heather Goodman, Amman, Jordan. “It’s no wonder movies like ‘The Martian’ have been filmed in this striking desert landscape. A Bedouin man leads the way on a camel ride through the desert at sunset.”
  • Background on Caleb/Wednesday/Hump Day Posts and Geico’s original commercial: Let’s Hit it Again



35 thoughts on “Guess.What.Day.It.Is?

          1. Hey, it is difficult to convery certain things in written comments. Irony, sarcasm, and other slants are especially difficult. You doubtlessly are not the only one who got the joke after it was explained. If it had been his birthday, it would have worked better! LOL!

            Liked by 2 people

  1. stunning, just stunning. If anybody ever EVER had told me that camel photos or camels generally could be such amazing photo material, I would have touched their forehead to check for a high fever 😉

    Liked by 2 people

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