Forecast: 94° F. (Feels like…Hot)

Wiebke Rauers, a freelance illustrator from Berlin working on character designs, children’s books, and magazines. Find her on Facebook here.

37 thoughts on “Forecast: 94° F. (Feels like…Hot)

  1. Right now, on the south shore of Montreal, it is officially 28C (but feels like 40C) – now that you’re a Yank and have probably forgotten the whole Celsius thing, that means it is 82F (but feels like 104F) – I’m so nice, I avoided you having to do the whole google from Celsius to Fahrenheit thing 😉

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          1. Physics says: go to sleep. Of course
            you’re tired. Every atom in you
            has been dancing the shimmy in silver shoes
            nonstop from mitosis to now.
            Quit tapping your feet…Go to sleep…
            Go to sleep. Let darkness
            lap at your sides. Give darkness an inch.
            You aren’t alone….
            here are the blankets, layer on layer, down and down.

            — Albert Goldbarth, from “The Sciences Sing a Lullaby” in The Kitchen Sink: New and Selected Poems, 1972-2007 (Graywolf Press)

            Liked by 2 people

          2. I’ve always envied people who sleep easily. Their brains must be cleaner, the floorboards of the skull well swept, all the little monsters closed up in a steamer trunk at the foot of the bed.

            David Benioff, City of Thieves

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  2. The illustration so darling…/// Oh, I feel for you… I’ve melted all summer long, ugh…so many way over 90 degree days and smoke, too. I will dance in the rain when it starts in November!!!

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  3. Our Summer was crazy, too, David. It’s continued through Autumn, Winter, and now Spring looks like it’s to be a hot one, too. Weather forecasts another crazy hot summer on its way.
    We had our first ‘rain’ in months last weekend. Thank goodness we installed a water tank for the garden; otherwise we’d have no plants left… or veggies!

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  4. Ha, I so fell in love with this drawing that I never commented, nor – I believe – even read the comments…. I love cute children books’ illustrations and I lost a lot of time looking through this talented woman’s portfolio. NOW I will have the pleasure of reading the comments and enjoy myself a bit more….
    You see, I can do ‘nice’ and ‘comme il faut’ 😉

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