Saturday Morning

Many an hour I spent there lying in the grass; it was so quiet and mysterious—the only voices were those of the leaves and the birds. But I never saw the place clothed in such beauty as I did that spring. Like me, the bees had already gone out into the meadow, and now they wove and hummed in and out of the myriad violet flowers which burst open in a blue lustre from grass and moss. I gathered them and filled my pocket handkerchief; it was as if I was enchanted, in the midst of the fragrance and sunlight.

Theodor Storm, (1817-1888) from A Quiet Musician, The Lake of the Bees

Notes: Quote via a-quiet-green-agreement. Photo: Chris A with Field.Always ( Ain, Rhone-Alpes, France)

10 thoughts on “Saturday Morning

  1. We’re having a glorious spring here in NH…everything is a bright, neon green and you can practically hear the buds bursting forth. Grasses and plants gain inches overnight. The latent energy of a long winter has been released like it was shot out of a cannon. Remarkable…

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Made me smile. The photographer, Chris…. has a style which made him stood out of the crowd before, for me at least. I have many similar photos of my own, driving through the countrysides of France lets you stop and marvel and even here, close by to Paris, the steep drop on which we live, is covered in poppies…. This post gave me reason to re-contact Chris, so a special thank you for this.
    Theo Storm, a German writer of the 19th century, sussed it totally. Sadly, apart from those few places where you can still lie in the grass and count the clouds sailing past, this idyllic scenery has widely disappeared. Thank you – a beautiful ‘mariage’ of photo & prose.

    Liked by 2 people

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