T.G.I.F.: It’s been a long week

A man carries a dog after heavy rains caused a river to overflow in the Bolivian town of Tiquipaya. (Danilo Balderrama, Reuters, Feb 8, 2018, wsj.com)

26 thoughts on “T.G.I.F.: It’s been a long week

  1. They are one muddy pair. I sense the love and trust between them 🙂 My dog can’t bear to be separated from me for more than a few hours (if that). It would break both our hearts if some disaster separated us. We look out for each other all the time. Dogs are family.

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      1. Oh, I’m so sorry that you no longer have Zeke. I missed that sad bit of news. I’ve never forgotten your post about him bringing you your morning paper. When dogs go, it leaves an unbearable void. One gets so used to them being there, following you around, ‘helping’ with chores, and being into everything. My Labrador that was the predecessor to the one I have now, who is aged 9 (almost 10) lived to the age of 17, which is a huge length of time to have a dog. Doubtless I’ve already told you this, but my mother bred dogs, so I was raised in kennels — almost!

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