Sunday Morning

I have news for you—
there are people who get up in the morning and cross a room
open a window to let the sweet breeze in
and let it touch them all over their faces and bodies.

Tony Hoagland, from “I Have News For You” in Unincorporated Persons in the Late Honda Dynasty: Poems

Notes: Photo: Dark Mornings. Poem: Thank you Beth @ Alive on all Channels

36 thoughts on “Sunday Morning

    1. “The thing is to relax and not fret about worldly things but just let the wings open and be oneself quietly for a bit. This never fails to renew strength.”

      Iris Murdoch, from a letter to Hal Lidderdale written c. July 1950

      Liked by 5 people

    1. Good heaven, minus 18C????? That wouldn’t be Zermatt Switzerland on a particularly cold and windy winter day? You are way braver than me. When it was that cold and I was ‘out’ skying, my husband said that I was a waste of money for my skiing pass as I should have bought a ‘coffee pass’ instead 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Diana; 🙂 Well, I divorced him….. (much much later on) so I guess we’re even, 🙂
          I was once in Calgary and couldn’t get out fast enough – it’s DEF too cold for me…. I admire you, but I find this scary! Keep warm my dear strong woman.

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          1. … not likely – I’m stuck in France! And btw, I think it must have been in late autumn when I passed through Calgary, so, not really that cold…. in your opinion! 😉

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    1. We (the very orderly Swiss…. 😉 at least) rip open all windows every morning for quite a long while – I would never be able to ‘make the beds’ without knowing that they are fresh and clean smelling. And upon opening the windows fully I also can follow up the development of my jardinières with spring bulbs, tip my finger into the soil to check on their need of some water, pull / throw out appearing weeds, young snails….. see what the surroundings are up to – it’s very liberating and quite wonderful!

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