Sunday Morning


Thank you, Creator, that you created pigs and elephants with long snouts, that you shredded leaves and hearts, that you gave beets their sweetness. Thank you for nightingales and bedbugs. That girls have breasts, that fish breathe air, that we have lightning and cherries. That you commanded us to multiply in most eccentric ways, that you gave thought to stones, seas, and people.

~ Anna Kamienska, from A Nest of Quiet: A Notebook

Photo: © Patrick Gonzalès )via Newthom)

25 thoughts on “Sunday Morning

  1. Love this…
    He commanded us? I haven’t been doing it all this time because he commanded us. 😉

    Nightingales are beautiful and sing an intoxicating song.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. love it, makes me speechless with appreciation, happiness, awe….
    (instead of doing what I should, I have one eye and both ears on the other screen with Alma on the stage of the musical world…)

    Liked by 1 person

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